
What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I liked fatness even as a little kid. I had an overstuffed plush bear called "Roly Poly" that I preferred, and I remember being drawn to plus-size teachers and adults who I thought were soft and warm in both body and spirit.

Honestly my first "awakening" moment was when I worked on a sewing project in my early teens and had the chance to create a stuffed animal. I promptly overfilled it with poly - I remember feeling a wonderful sense of nonsexual admiration both for this chunky little stuffie and for my deliberate choice to make it as fat as its seams would allow.

I also found an Overeaters Anonymous book that described people's stories with food addiction - I'm embarrassed to admit that I found the sections describing the members weight gain and binge eating to be erotic and being confused about why I found these sections to be more compelling than the contributors' subsequent weight loss stories.

When I started dating I found that I was most attracted to overweight girls, and that food and feeding were my love language. I found a feeder website in college, and that was the first time that I was able to learn that I wasn't alone in how I felt, and that there were even people out there who liked being fed as much as I liked feeding.
3 weeks

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I feel like it was a cartoon when I was very young. Like felix the cat or eeks the cat.
3 weeks

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I first noticed an interest in being fat right before puberty. I stuffed myself with pillows etc. By the way I was a skinny child and teen. When I entered puberty my own thoughts of gaining gave way to my attraction for BBW's. It wasn't until my 30's that the desire to get fat came back. I had gained weight but it wasn't intentional, but I loved it and started gaining on purpose, packing on about 80 pounds.
3 weeks

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Not really sure of my first awakening moment. I remember being a little kid & talking to a neighbor girl about, wanting to experience getting bigger & she said no.

I really got into bigger women & being fat when I was an early teen. I don't really openly discuss it with my friends or family. I had the pressure from people around me to lose weight, but as I got older, I decided to live for myself. I got tired of hearing from multiple people about losing weight.

Within the last year or so I started expressing my fetish to my wife. I still feel, at times, it's awkward to openly discuss it because I don't want her to think I'm weird. To my surprise, my wife is really understanding of it. As for people around me, if they can't tell I like being fat & into fat women, hence my wife, than that's on them. My wife & I are both becoming more comfortable in our skin. Also being more at ease with what people might say or think of us.
1 week
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