Fat experiences

So *that's* where the weight came from...


piece of chocolate cake

crème filled donut
2 pieces of white cake


1: “Did you have lunch?”

2: “I ate breakfast late...”

Me: “I didn't have anything.”

2: “He didn't have anything.”

1 brings out turkey lunch meat and hamburger buns

I make 2 sandwiches and get some chips

1: “Are you done with the turkey?”

Me: “Yes.”

1: “I'll go ahead and put it away then.”


2 poked my belly and did the Pillsbury Doughboy laugh


piece of orange cake

I had to sew the button back on my pants the other day. The tension from the button hole rubbed through the threads.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


16 3-packs of chocolate covered donettes


crème filled donut


banana pudding

4 pieces cake


crème filled donut
3 extra


2/3 of a 1lb 14oz bag of tater rounds


“One or two hot dogs?”


1 scoop macaroni and cheese

“One scoop or two?”

2 scoops pasta salad

2 scoops beans


4 pieces cake

1 peach pie
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

The possibly most insane thing about this thread?

OP lists his location as DC, which so far as I know is that amongst all American metro areas, has the lowest rate of obesity and probably fatness in general. Yes, an even lower rate than Colorado and Denver (Colorado is the thinnest state for some reason).

Makes one wonder what might be possible elsewhere in America.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

The possibly most insane thing about this thread?

OP lists his location as DC, which so far as I know is that amongst all American metro areas, has the lowest rate of obesity and probably fatness in general. Yes, an even lower rate than Colorado and Denver (Colorado is the thinnest state for some reason).

Makes one wonder what might be possible elsewhere in America.

DC is the default. I'm not real far from it though.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

DC is the default. I'm not real far from it though.

Fair enough. After all, I don't actually live in the city of Dallas either as of this writing, though I do live within easy enough daily commuting distance and could meet someone there, no trouble. It's also easily recognizable.

Though here on FF, somehow I thought the default location was Buffalo, NY. I remember that leading to questions about whether Buffalo, NY was some sort of amazing feederism paradise where folks pig out, openly express desires to get fatter and even sharing advice in person. Spoiler - It's not, so don't plan any vacation trips without some other reason to go there. Otherwise you're likely to be very disappointed.

Still, I can't imagine attitudes about fat magically change the instant one crosses the Potomac or into Silver Spring, MD.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...

Looks like Mississippi is the most obese state, with WV coming in second.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


2 donuts at work
1 to take home


puts pasta on small plate to heat up after having some squash

Leaves me with a large plate of pasta, I put the last spoonful on my plate


basically 3 sandwiches


apple fritter from McDonalds


8 chocolate sandwich cookies


the other 28 chocolate sandwich cookies


1 donut at work
2 to take home
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


blueberry rhubarb rectangle


5 pieces of chicken at 270 cal each to finish off the pack instead of the usual 4


“I'm not sure whether to go get some turkey at the cafeteria, or just eat what I brought...”

“You could probably do both...”


crème filled donut


crème filled donut

I've noticed that lately, there's been enough food leftover that it's a bit more than what I would get for a serving but not enough that it's worth putting back in the fridge, so I end up eating it.


Noticed that newest coworker has quite the visible belly outline when relaxed. Also brought back two takeout containers from the cafeteria the last couple of times.

Another has taken to wearing looser clothes.
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


“You can have the third pork chop, I'm going to have something else.”


I was standing in line holding a bag with two takeout containers in it.

“Can I get an 8 count of chicken nuggets?”

I noticed the server bagging the orders looked over at me and smiled.

“We gave you a 12 count today.”


2/3 small Frosty


piece of key lime pie


coworker kept pulling shirt back down to no avail, then gave up, the couple inch gap kept forming.

"The Streisand effect is a phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information,"

This coworker asked me if I was doing my duty to society by taking the leftover donuts home.

"Yes, if I don't they just get left here to dry out and become ant bait."
2 years

So *that's* where the weight came from...


Coworker oblivious or didn't care that her belly button was visible in the gap between her shirt and pants.


1 cupcake

then given the other 5


2 donuts at work

2 to take home

piece of chocolate cake


Got a brownie sundae that had a clear lid on top of the cup. It was completely full up to the very edge of the lid.
2 years