Body inflation

Belly implant

what do you's think about a belly implant to look pregnent or be big. like a baloon in your womb or a implant like in brests?

docters should like this cos its a helther alternative to "fat"
should we talk to some plastic sergeons about this?
14 years

Belly implant

I'm sure with research from doctors it would be safe and I'm sure doctors would be happier to do an implant than have people gain weight as they all seem really against that.
13 years

Belly implant

Only getting that thing in would make one heck of a scar...
You cant exactly hide it in the armpit like with breast implants.
12 years

Belly implant

I've ad this idea for years haha
12 years

Belly implant

Has anyone actually done research and asked any doctors about this yet? Was thinking of asking couple questions and dont know if doctors find the questions bad or dont mind.
9 years

Belly implant

I looked online as well. Looks like a lot of american doctors refuse a belly implants. But wonder if fat can be transplanted like you said to areas, that'll help round out an individual.
9 years