
Argh, serious issues!

No advice sadly, only letting you know that your not the only one, i'm in almost the exact same situation and feel the same.
14 years

Argh, serious issues!

eagledancer wrote
Accept that...but don't let it drive you crazy.

Too late...

lol thanks though smiley
14 years

Argh, serious issues!

Exactly what eagledancer said (bravo eagledancer ... a superbly lucid post ... and probably one of the best responses I've ever read on FF).

Good luck GainerBoy with working through these issues (you certainly will not be alone in your task). And whatever you decide - best wishes for the future.
14 years

Argh, serious issues!

Hi...know how you feel..reallysmileyUntil a couple of years ago I was slim and muscular,working out at gyms etc My conversion to the fat life (I had always had a fat fetish and like my foodsmiley)was fraught with your sorts of took several tentative starts into gaining before I accepted it fully.It's not easy..all the people commenting in a politely (or even not politely!)way about your weight gain and the automatic assumption that you want to lose it;society's general prejudice (work etc)against fat as a sign of weakness and uselessness.Can you live with that?If you think not and that it will make you unhappy,then don't do it.
As for girls,as I know,there is no denying that it will limit those who are sexually attracted to you.However,my experience is that most women are a lot less superficial than men and though they might not be looking for a big man,they will not rule out a man just on that..personality,intelligence,sense of humour etc meaning alot more to most women in my experience.
Well,might not be much use,but those are my thoughtssmiley
14 years

Argh, serious issues!

well i would say that if u only enjoy gaining when you are aroused, and when ur not aroused you feel disgusted by it then it would be like just a fetish type thing and I wouldn't gain. Sorry I cant be of more help.
14 years