
Any other video game nerds on here?

thefa wrote
Yah, anybody else stoked for the 3ds to come out?

Yup, but more so Pokemon Black & White which come out around the same time. smiley
13 years

Any other video game nerds on here?

Never played any of the Fallout series. However Dead Space, FEAR, and L4D were pretty awesome. PC is my weapon of choice; can't get the same level of precision on the Xbox. Played Left 4 Dead soo many times my friends and I know the pacing of the music when the horde will come, or any special infected. It is pretty ridiculous.
13 years

Any other video game nerds on here?

canadianenglish wrote
LukeP wrote
I don't really play games that much anymore, mainly due to time contraints and wanting to do other things. However seeing the trailer to Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, for the very first time, has got me considering buying a gamer specific PC. The new game engine looks fantastic and the graphics, well you'll just have to see.

I wish the trailer showed some gameplay. I've been visiting that site for the last month waiting for that you made my day!

Totally psyched they're setting the next one in Skyrim, I loved the Bloodmoon expansion and winter settings in games. Hopefully it'll be a lot like in and around Bruma.

And yes I love Fatal Frame, second only to Silent Hill series in horror game series'.

They are keeping it maddeningly hush-hush. But if the in-game animation is anything like the animation in the teaser trailer then this game is sure to blow me away, like completely! I can see just sticking it in and playing it for like 3 days straight!!!
13 years

Any other video game nerds on here?

I wanted to play Fatal Frame, but... I was always way too chicken. I just couldn't do it with just a camera.

Silent Hill is more or less okay, though. I mean, it freaks me right the frak out, but I can handle it, something that I think I wouldn't be able to do with Fatal Frame.
13 years

Any other video game nerds on here?

Lately I'm mostly playing Pokemon Soul Silver, and some Zelda IV: Links Awakening, as well as Final Fantasy Tactics Advance... though I go back and forth with many games. I'm mostly a 16-bit retro gamer, often playing Mega Drive/Genesis games and SNES games.
13 years

Any other video game nerds on here?

I've played WoW on and off for the last 3 years. I got pretty good I think, Gladiator on 3 chars and in the top 100 teams in the open EU tournament.

I recommend any hardcore gamer check out the MLG tournament for their game of choice. Those guys are insanely good.
13 years