
While we're nerding out: comics!

conan the barbarian smiley
13 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

neil gamien's sandman
13 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

Hey, Jeepster42, if you need some good graphic novels, check out JLA Earth2, also anything about The Authority, including the Kev stories, and also Planetary. Also, get hold of Majestic, you could also pick up WildC.A.T.s, all very good stuff. The Authority is awesome, though, sort of like the Justice League except that The Authority would just as soon kill you as fight you twice. If you liked Preacher you'll LOVE The Authority.
13 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

I love the work of...

Jaime & Gilbert Hernandez

(especially 'The horny goof'smiley

Milo Manara
(especially 'Dies Irae' and the other Guiseppe Bergmann-stories)

Richard Corben
& Mike Mignola
as single artists
and their Hellboy collaborations
12 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

I tend to stick to the big two: Marvel / DC.
Particularly Batman, Green Lantern, Deadpool, Spiderman and Marvel Zombies.
Also some of the big events on both sides - final crisis, civil war, dark reign
On balance, I'd say that I prefer Marvel
12 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

lately i've been reading though the Fables series and any Batman i can get my hands on. i plan to branch out into the Marvel universe soon.
12 years