

You're getting Fine all over! That is such a neat statement! You are obviously having a great time together. You called it a few weeks ago. He's a feeder. He just doesn't know there's a name for it!Congratulations on your still blossoming sexy curves!
13 years


Any chance that the first two outfits could be in the mix for photos? The red tankini and especially the striped bikini? Or is it too late for those? Your pics are always nice-so whatever you have will surely be wonderful!smiley
13 years


Sometimes it takes us a while to find a thread we are interested in. Tastes are so diverse on this site that sometimes we miss some thing that we would want to talk about. I have no interest in talking about 700lb women, trannies, fat men, gaining men, gay men. God bless those that do. That is their thing and here they have a place to talk about what they want. It is just not my thing.

The above may have no interest in a thin woman fattening up for the first time. I on the other hand would love to hear more of your story. You may get 200 views and no comments but keep trying please we are out here.

Thanks for your posts.
13 years