
Accidental weight gain

Has anyone else ever had this problem? You eat normally (well for a glutton like me) and do your school work and think if nothing else you haven't gained anything..hopefully didn't lose anything..then post pictures and you look fatter! o.O xD

Man do I love my gluttony. :3 And my no time to excersize. Not that'd I'd want to if I had time. I'd rather sit and watch TV and snack. :3

Yeh just wondering how it happened.....I guess when you work in office jobs this happens? smiley

13 years

Accidental weight gain

I think you hit the nail on the head with the office job part. Two of the most prodigious gainers on here now (or ever really) They both"got their start " with office jobs. Ask Pinky Dear and softerandsofter! I have a new appreciation of the results from sitting at a desk. And my old friend Plenty gained in her 30's almost immediately when she left the sales floor for a desk job. Her co-workers told her it would happen and she didn't believe them. She went from 130 to 175 in just over a year. So ladies. Take those office jobs!smiley
13 years