
Studio ghibli

Any fans of the best anime studio ever?

I love all their films and was wondering if anyone else has seen anything.

My top 3 would have to be...

Spirited Away
Kiki's Delivery Service
Grave of the Fireflies
13 years

Studio ghibli

everyone seems to love spirited away lol
my favorites are
princess mononoke
howls moving castle
castle in the sky
13 years

Studio ghibli

I love those movies! my favorites are Howl's Moving Castle, The Cat Returns, spirited away, Princess Mononoke, Kiki's deivery service and My Neighbor Totoro smiley
13 years

Studio ghibli

I love Ghibli!

My little sis is the one who turned me onto it.

My favorites are definitely;

Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
The Cat Returns *though where he went in the first place I'm still not sure*
Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbor Totoro
Probably a few I forgot to mention xD
13 years

Studio ghibli

I mean, I love them all too. But, I think there is something in each film that just feels so...the same, yet different. Lol.

I hope to add The Borrower Arriety to my list of favorites!!!

Some of the English voice cast has been announced so I'm dying to see it.
13 years

Studio ghibli

I've yet to see Ponyo, or any of the more recent once yet.

But I've liked all of them that I've seen...well except for "Nausco of the Valley of the Wind"...that one was really boring
13 years

Studio ghibli

Spirited away, Kiki's delivery service and My neighbor Totoro
13 years

Studio ghibli

I saw Ponyo, it were'z cute xD.

Though I did feel like I died a little inside when I heard that one of the Jonas brothers voiced the little boy in the Dub...
13 years

Studio ghibli

I've only ever watched a handful of the Ghibli films but yeah. I've seen Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, and Howl's Moving Castle. I would say Ponyo is my favorite right now.
12 years

Studio ghibli

A Studio Ghibli thread!

Kiki's Delivery Service. It was the first film by the studio I ever saw.
Howl's Moving castle.
and Whisper of the Heart.

But all the films the studio makes are awesome.
12 years
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