Lifestyle tips

Love/hate fat

Yeah I agree, this is definitely an interesting topic.

I know that conflict that Filly describes well. I fetishise my weight and shape and size and take particular pleasure in it when I put on weight, albeit that I've never jumped in and done so on purpose.

But on the other hand I still diet (not for long, it's too difficult and boring) and exercise, although the latter is more for the convenience of being vaguely fit, which I find is less hassle than being unfit. And the reason for dieting is that I still feel that being thinner makes clothes look better or would for some reason make me happier. This is despite loving the way I and other people on here look. So I anticipate never being able to resolve this.

BUT here's the good part: I like the conflict. I think it's the most interesting thing about having this fetish/preference/extra-curricular activity, or whatever you want to call it. I love observing it in other people too - I find it really hot when cute boys gain and then stress about the extra pounds and work out in an effort to shift it. Heh. And part of the draw for fetishsing my own shape is knowing that it's "wrong" or "naughty" to let yourself get fat. It's on that cusp between disgust and revelling in it that the fetish lies for me. So being told off for being fat features in a few of my fantasies and I like the idea of role playing in which someone (who's really an FA) pretends to be shocked and horrified at how fat I am, etc.

So that's my way of dealing with it Fillster - make the actual conflict fun and then the fact that we get pulled in 2 different directions - which I suspect is inevitable - isn't a problem any more.

12 years

Love/hate fat

Well for me personally, I don't think or see fat guys n belly on guys is sexy or hot, im not gay so maybe that's why, but find it sexy when girl has nice big belly n hips n such. I feel girls put weight on better than guys, so even though love eating n hate excursise n know someone who likes big guys n would love get me bigger, I can't go all out. Somedays yes but others im like bad idea. But like belly n such just don't know if il like myself fat n with others too
12 years

Love/hate fat

Even I - as a normal-sized person - get these feelings from time to time. My belly is quite big in comparison to the rest of my body. Occasionally I like to stuff myself and admire my own belly, and at other moments I would like to loose a few kg. But then I feel a bit hypocrite for wanting to loose myself, yet liking big women.
12 years

Love/hate fat

I've had a very positive view on fat for a long time. But when I was a young teenager and first stumbling onto this I was coming off of years of torment at the hands of my peers. Before 9th or 10th grade barely a day went by where I didn't get at least one comment about my weight.

But those comments stopped suddenly after I found FF and other sites like it, maybe it was the confidence in knowing I wasn't alone, or possibly the fact that this is around the time that I became 6ft tall. It could have been any number of things.

But I digress. I rarely have fat-hate moments, but I still have them sometimes. They don't last very long but they always leave me feeling down and a little pathetic. But then I remember that this is what I love and it helps me pull out of it.
12 years

Love/hate fat

What I like most on this site is that most women seem to be so confident about their larger body. But the post of Velvetty has made me wonder whether there are many women on here who are only so confident online? This is after all a microcosmos that is much different from the world outside.

I do hope people can take at least part of this confidence from here into their real lives though. smiley
12 years

Love/hate fat

I love fat on myself and the look and feel of it.I love good food and eating and love laziness and luxury and over-indulgencesmileyIt turns me on like nothing else too,so clearly a sexual element.
However,at times in 'real life',you want to 'fit in'and the anti-fat attitude prevalent generally means that socially and professionally,I sometimes wish I was slim again.Would help if I had other fat people around me,rather than friends who are always talking about slimming and gyms etc.Also,sweating profusely in warm weather and struggling with some everyday physical tasks is more than annoying at times.
But I will never go back;on balance,fat wins every time for mesmiley
12 years

Love/hate fat

I enjoy being the size that i am. I love the way all the fat is settled on my body.

the only problem with it is, I have a hard time finding clothes I actually enjoy. I don't like shopping at the big person store (casual male). I wish I could shop at normal places
12 years

Love/hate fat

I love being almost 480 lbs and my huge belly but the one draw is finding clothes to cover my belly and pants with a rise high enough to cover my fat jock ass! I am always mooning people! smiley
12 years

Love/hate fat

Well at least one post in this thread was generally anti-fat toward one gender. Shouldn't that also be considered off-topic?

rubyripples wrote:
This is an official reminder of one of our site rules -

Stay on topic

This is a fat-positive/fat-fantasy website so please try to stay generally on topic in your posts and other content. In particular no pro-weightloss rants or persuasions, please keep this to other websites.

We are a fat positive site that stands out from other fat positive sites by having feederism / weight gain as the main topic. At least one poster on this thread was clearly breaking the rule above. This isn't the site for promoting weight loss regimes and being fat negative, even if they have worked well for you. There are a million sites where our members can read about that - this is the one place that we can escape it. The thread will stand as it in itself is topical to many members, however, pro weight loss/anti fat posts will be removed. Thanks for your co-operation.
12 years