
The floor test

So let's say you've passed the Wall Test (see and are looking for another weight gain milestone.

The Floor Test

1. Get down on the floor on all fours.
2. Does your belly touch the floor?

If not, you can measure how far you have to go by piling books on the floor and seeing what size pile you need for your belly to touch the top book.

Pics of someone taking this test would be awesome. smiley
12 years

The floor test

Oddity wrote:

I guess I have some work to do! smiley

me too!
12 years

The floor test

Oddity wrote:
I love these kind of tests. smiley

That's good, because it sounds like you have eight more for each book!
12 years

The floor test

PinkyDear wrote:
I passed the wall test, but failed the floor test.
As a side note, my cat played limbo trying to go under my belly while I on all floors. I'm not sure how many text books it would be, but it is the distance of a flatted cat lol.

Shoot for mouse!
12 years

The floor test

StrawberrySundae wrote:
this was actually a pretty strenious task for me: getting on the floor was easy. Getting back up..not so much.

That suggests yet another test: The Getting-Up-Off-the-Floor-After-Trying-the-Floor-Test Test!
12 years

The floor test

PinkyDear wrote:
I figured the sofa test would be next. Does your belly hit the floor when you sit on the sofa. smiley

I like it!
12 years

The floor test

SSBBWBecca wrote:
Ok...WE HAVE CONTACT! smiley


The hard part was trying to get UP. WHEW!

Yeah, that's the next test, the Not-Being-Able-to-get-Back-Up-After-Taking-the-Floor-Test test. If you can still get up you've got work to do! smiley
12 years

The floor test

*thought I'd posted here* Pass the wall test, don't pass the floor test. I didn't have any books or rulers handy when i tried. Must try again.
11 years

The floor test

CoffeeChick wrote:
4 books away, haha

Nice, but how thick are they?
11 years

The floor test

Three books.

Stephen King's The Dark Tower (Final book in the series of the same name)

Stephen King and Peter Straub's Black House

And Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

All thick tomes, altogether I'm 6 inches away from my belly resting slightly on the floor while on hands and knees.
11 years
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