Lifestyle tips

Bbw/ ssbbw who work

how rude! leaves me wonding how he can be competent at life without being able to take care of his mind, manners or social skills.
12 years

Bbw/ ssbbw who work

BellaStarr wrote:
So today at my job a man refused to let me take xrays on him said how could i be compitent in doing my job if i wasnt smart enough to take care of myself. It offended me slightly but i was more pissed that he was a 40 yr old and still had the nerve to say it

Since you don't want to sue or snark a customer, I'd just say: "Oh, don't worry. I take GREAT care of myself!"
12 years

Bbw/ ssbbw who work

I believe that many of the men who belittle or make any comment to big women about their size and weight, men are turned on by big women. I also believe that many of the men turns to look after a big girl when they meet her on the street thinks that she is gorgeous and has a nice body, etc.

But unfortunately it is taboo in many countries being overweight or being big women or men. The media do their bit to big people become second-class people. You can not open a newspaper or the television without something about fat people and how unhappy they are.

When there is a big woman or man who says he or she is happy and satisfied with his big body the person is immediately belittled and almost treated like a sick person.

Why can not we just accept each other as we are and see each other as we are as a person. The body is only a holster that keeps our internal organs inside. and so it does not matter whether you are fat or thin.
12 years

Bbw/ ssbbw who work

MissLou wrote:

I have a 'part-time' (more like full-time!) job that I certainly get stared at a-plenty in because of my size. It's not really a norm to see larger people in this job, but I usually just laugh in their faces. Soon shuts them up!

I'm in the same boat as you Miss Lou, and the twist is that my company is promoting fitness and tell me (by a manager) as an employee, I should "work out more and lose some weight". I told her that big people need shoes too and I've seen my share of BBWs, SSBBWs, BHMs, some immobile people riding in scooters to look at shoes mainly since we sell shoes mainly. I'm their #1 seller and the most out of shape of the bunch.
While that manager that told me to lose weight is the one that's trying to lose weight and working out, I'll pack on the pounds and still sell our merchandise like nobody's business.
I'll lose weight and "be all about fitness" when the company I work for start giving more monetary incentives on doing so, but until then, I'll eat w/e I want and be #1 part time associate at my job.
11 years