
Rolls or pot bellies?

I think women look amazing with either, but for myself I wouldn't want to have a rolly belly.
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I like both. Rolls and pot-bellies, both are nice.smiley
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I like a round pot belly but rolls is good too smiley
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I prefer rolls, that may very well be the first I encountered which is probably the reason for the preference.
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I love big bellies and round as
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Pot bellies. but not a hard round one, a nice big round hanging flabby one smiley
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

As long as they're soft, I like them both, especially if there is a hang :-)
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Well, I would prefer a combo of both roll and beer belly look, like Treasure Bombshell. The big, bloated overfed look at the top with lots of hanging softness on the bottom. But, most women have one or the other. I'm torn on this issue, to be honest.
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

A potbelly with very well-developed love handles and just a little separation between the two so that you can tell where the belly ends and the love handles begin. Delicious!
12 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

12 years
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