
Advice for rapid weight gain?

I have a very fast metabolism and put on about fifteen pounds in a month using this formula:

First off, Clif bars and trail mixes (with chocolate and dried, sugared fruits) on person at all times. You can't really get full from trail mix so it's good to be eating constantly, and Clif bars are the best bang for your buck for carb-heavy, jam-packed food before you get to candy (for which I'd recommend snickers and other candy bars with a good amount of nuts or "real" food). Add about 1-2k calories per day this way.

Buy some Boost Plus online, a large box can run much cheaper than an equivalent protein shake. Over three hundred calories per serving and can be had in one gulp. Unlike protein shakes, they represent a balanced dietary intake (only liquid), so it won't be tough on the body and will store more quickly. I used to keep them on the go with me so that every other hour during the day (except after large meals) I could drink one. Add 1k calories per day doing this.

Finally, get a gallon tub of ice cream, heavy cream, whole milk, and crumbled cookie (with banana and peanut butter and/or nutella) makes a great morning and evening shake. The cookie crumbs are essential (IMO) so that the body feels like it's taking in some "real" food. Eating a lot can be tiresome, so you want to make it easy.

On top of all this, eat normally but push a little harder. This can easily add a LOT of calories, and with the right encouragement from you I'm sure he'll blow up in no time.

Oh! One more thing. Sleeping sitting up with one of those cushions called a Husband Pillow will reduce stomach flare-ups for when he goes to sleep full. Fewer stomach flare-ups = more eating the next day = well, you know.
11 years

Advice for rapid weight gain?

just a matter of determination and patience I think

Bt yeah - I hear the shakes do well
11 years