
Say no to fat jokes on tv!

Australian comedian Adam Hills publicly destroys Joan Rivers over Adele 'fat' jokes.

Not sure if this made international news but it was a big thing in Australia and the U.K.

The clip went viral before Channel 4 started pulling it down for copyright infringement.

Adam Hills was already one of my heroes. An awesome stand up comic and host of the cult followed music-themed comedic quiz show 'Spicks and Specks' on Australian TV. Well now I'm even more impressed, love your work Adam!
11 years

Say no to fat jokes on tv!

Adam Hills has consistently fantastic politics. He usually has one show that's signed in each city on his tours. Check out his show Characterful, which is on youtube starting at:

It's not pompous or upright at all-- he's just clear that humour doesn't have to be at anyone's expense. And while I'm not at all for censoring comics, I LOOOVE it when they get that.
11 years

Say no to fat jokes on tv!

Ah I remember seeing this when it was broadcast. By the end I was cheering and clapping my tv. While he isn't a favourite of mine I do like Adam Hills and this made me like him that bit more.
11 years

Say no to fat jokes on tv!

Leto649 wrote:
I think he was more angry that Rivers jokes werent really jokes. Nothing is sacred in comedy- Just make it funny.

Pretty much this, people can joke all they want about anything and anyone, I don't see how this is different than a comedian saying saying a public figure is an idiot or some such thing. Though in truth they weren't that funny, and just felt mean spirited, I wouldn't expect someone to say something like that even at a roast.
11 years