Fattening others

Fattening in films

Totally spies: Passion Patties
2 years

Fattening in films

[quote]John Smith:
However, in television that's an another kind of story :

- I couldn't remember the title about this American sitcom but an 1999 episode I once watched during a theme-related thread (on Curvage or Dimensions Magazine?? Whatever...) dealt about the female co-protagonist whose realize after a few peopke on his work set entourage get anxious about her modest weight gain if her newly boyfriend wasn't a F.A. , but she denied it, alteast till during a romantic - and indulging - dating at a restaurant they cross his ex-girlfriend, an overweight woman. But after a few dialogues, the co-protagonist learnt the ex in question was as thin like her a few months then before to break up two months ago, now dramatically big. Because of this, the love interest finally admitted to be a Fat Admirer.

The episode finish under a strange tone : because without bring up itself the mantle of open critics, Fat Admiring was finally presented like something of socially-acceptable yet still-insolite. However, the co-protagonist still subconsequently broke up (in good terms) wi
th her love interest, preffering kept her shape rather to continue a relationship which will requieres she become sooner and later obese (and since she managed to gain some substantial extra fat in a little time, that was more closer to soon than amything else) ;

It was the show "Just Shoot Me!" the character Maya was the one who dates a guy who wants her fatter. Name of the episode was "Dial N for Murder"

2 years

Fattening in films

Benny Hill - A marriage of convenience
2 years

Fattening in films

I remember the Family Guy one, Simpson's where Homer gets fat, w/ short scenes of Bart and Lisa bedbound... The Templeton carnival binge was another animated classic. I also liked those scenes from the Santa Claus as a kid,

On the subject of film and TV shows I get annoyed with the fat friend stereotype... Or Mike & Molly, why do they need to meet at an OA meeting? Same thing with Kate and Toby on this is us! That storyline is old and tired.
Seriously, why can't even one mainstream show just have a fat female lead or couple not obsessed with their weight and dieting? For that matter why do they always both gotta be fat... Why can't Kate be with a hunk like Kevin, (aside from twincest) nope writers chose a fat bald beardy dude in a fat suit who had a heart attack.

I'm not asking Hollywood for a obesity glorifying show or even slightly fat positive vibes. Simply cast Melissa McCarthy or Chrissy Mets as a normal everyday woman who has a happy sitcom life who is comfortable in her skin... Most days. Stop playing into the fat stereotype and butt of fat jokes every episode. I should also be able to name a few more "plus" sized actresses off top of my head. Half this country is overweight or obese. Represent!
2 years

Fattening in films

Absolutely agree with you. I am finding that some commercials are starting to represent Americans as they are with heavier characters at times but they have a long way to go. It was interesting, when I was in Canada a couple of years ago, almost all the local TV stations featured attractive but overweight female anchors and meteorologists which was such a refreshing change of pace. As an FA I really loved it and only wish for that type of casting here in the States.
2 years

Fattening in films

Some of you mentioned Katy Mixon.
Earlier this spring she had a minor role screentime wise as portraying Betsy Faria in The thing about Pam.
Katy looked bigger than in American Housewife, tho tough to tell really because of her limited screentime in The thing about Pam

I did notice Katy Mixon also looked bigger than the fat suit wearing Renee Zellweger.
Katy and Renee

Katy in season 5 of American Housewife and The thing about Pam

Katy Mixon in 2010 and the thing about pam

She´s 5´7 tall, what do you think she weighs?
2 years

Fattening in films

I remember the movie Matilda, or even the book for that matter, where the teacher makes the kid eat the whole cake.
1 year

Fattening in films

There was one episode of either All That, or the Amanda Show, where someone drinks a whole vat of tomato juice and their stomach becomes huuuuuuge. Spank bank material since I was 9.
it was all that with Kel Mitchell dress as Okra a Oprah prody
1 year

Fattening in films

there was an indie film called FEED which was a bit dark but it was based on feederism
seen it hated it honestly cause it makes feeders seem cringy wanting to make women so big they can't get out of bed

The feeder gets shot and then the feedee also does
1 year

Fattening in films

Old thread but I wanted to add one more to the list. I got it recommended on Youtube and is a chinese movie called "Beautiful World". Same feeling as doramas.

Not sure where you can find it to see it, since I saw a 10 min review of this movie in Youtube.

Is a world where being fat is greatly appreciated and considered symbol of beauty, while being thin and healthy is hatred. The main couple face discrimination from their family and friends since they are the only ones with a fit body, while the rest of people actually tries to gain more and eat unhealthy.

The girl even enrolls in a masterclass on "how to be fat" so she can gain weight and be more likeable to everyone. They even provide tips on how to eat more and they show plus size models to encourage gaining but the protagonist cannot keep up. A lot of drama and somehow critizing the real world where being fat in Asia is considered ugly.

/SPOILER/ What I only hated about this movie is that at the end the featured model of the "gaining company" gets thin, indicating that her lifestyle was unhealthy and that the only way to improve her health was by losing the weight. So there's still some mixed moral there. Adding to the fact that the main couple never gains weight and provides the message of "accept who you are and you do not have to follow the current trend", which is a nice message but if you wanted to see a transformation, sorry, won't happen.
8 months
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