
4000 - 5000 calories per day

The cheapest way is probably by stocking up on Little Debbie's cakes. The most fattening are the Swiss Rolls. Best tasting too, if slightly more expensive than the second most fattening (Zebra Cakes).

Be warned, when/if you decide to plow through a box of these make sure you also eat something else. Not only to cut the sweet/over-sweet flavor, but also to avoid complications which have to do with the end result of digestion (which I won't get into here).
11 years

4000 - 5000 calories per day

Clicksandwhistles wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
The cheapest way is probably by stocking up on Little Debbie's cakes. The most fattening are the Swiss Rolls. Best tasting too, if slightly more expensive than the second most fattening (Zebra Cakes).

Be warned, when/if you decide to plow through a box of these make sure you also eat something else. Not only to cut the sweet/over-sweet flavor, but also to avoid complications which have to do with the end result of digestion (which I won't get into here).

Haha I've been going to town on some Fudge Rounds lately. Also, I typically break 5,000 calories on most days. Added boost plus to my diet recently and of course I get a good bit of heavy cream in, too.

Fudge rounds are amazing, and they've got some fiber in them. So you also avoid those complications I was talking about *shifty eyes*.

On a different note, have you ever tried mixing equal parts heavy-cream and chocolate milk? If you haven't, you should because it's amazing.
11 years

4000 - 5000 calories per day

TruMoo is the brand that I usually get when I'm in the mood to mix heavy cream and chocolate milk. Small world it is (or fat world perhaps?).

Also, heavy cream makes amazing milk shakes too. Omnomnom heavy cream.
11 years

4000 - 5000 calories per day

Please go to the store. You need several of these a day smiley
11 years