

I have been gaining weight over the past 6 months. My appetite has definitely increased along with my urge for more sweets. I find that after a Lunch I will still be Hungry and get a huge King size snickers bar etc. After dinners "which are pretty huge" eat some ice cream, cookies etc. Long story short my consumption has increased.

I have gained mostly in my Belly or actually I would call it a Gut now! It is big, round and fairly tight and when standing it distends out just below my chest with a slight downward angle sag at the bottom. When I am full it is absolutely huge and when it is empty it is still fairly tight, big and distended. When I sit it's a big ball that even pushes out on my sides.

Question is:

Now that my appetite has grown I will eat way bigger portions along with extra snacks and deserts following. I don't really snack in between meals or feel the urge. I mostly feel full when the next meal comes around but I start to feel what I guess are hunger pains which I have never felt before. I dont really feel like eating but when I do I really get going and eat a lot and then after I start eating it is hard for me to stop once I have finished. I will then pick up a fattening snack right away and think I am full but the minute If I were to get another snack I keep eating. Last night for example when I ate dinner I didnt even feel hugry but once I started I turned hungry and after I finished it started munchng on some potatoe chips that were not tasting that great but I finished half the bag without realizing it, put those away and grabbed some cookies and had about 10 of those followed by a big glass of milk. I went to brush my teeth before bed and looked in the mirror with the fullest Gut ever.

Has anyone ever felt this way?
11 years


It's almost like eating now makes me hungry.

Where as before eating made me less hungry.

Now, I don't get hungry but once I start I cant stop.

Before I felt starving and when I started eating I would get full.

I don't know maybe the food is placing some chemical imbalance in my brain....or is it I am turning into a Fat eating machine?
11 years


What you're describing is very common.
11 years

Bellyfullness/hunger/appetite? what is the outcome?

All of a sudden am I gonna be a lot fatter besides just my huge gut and am I going to continue eating like crazy or will I get even a bigger appetite and need even bigger portions?
11 years


dlee301 wrote:
I have been going through this also. The more I eat, the more I want to eat

So after a big lunch followed with desert, candy or snack, (which I have been doing for at least a month after a huge entree at lunch I have this need to get something more like a big candy bar or two which usually equals another 1000 calories to kind of fill me, which I do and could probably eat more) "I have never done this before after lunch really".

When dinner comes your not hungry??? But once you start eating you can't stop after a huge dinner you eat more and then a couple big bowls of icecream or in my case lately a quarter gallon followed by a couple cookies and then go back for more until you have eaten half the box and then when I am to lazy to go back to the pantry and take a break for a bit I realize my belly is so full and bloated that I have not really been hungry until I start putting food in my mouth.

Also when I start to get bored of one snack after dinner that doesn't necessarily mean I am done, I will pick up something else and start to finish the entire package and keep eating like crazy.

Does this stuff sound familiar or has your situation been different. I almost feel like I am pregnant and I am starting to look about 9 months pregnant.
11 years


I think I know what you mean. I don't feel hungry all the time but if there is food in front of me, I chow down until it is all gone. Then I will go to the couch to watch TV and next thing I know, I am eating ice cream or potato chips. Funny, I feel like I have the munchies after a full meal.
11 years


What I've noticed is that people who stuff themselves to the max once a week or more often can't stop gaining.

Of course they often love it so much they don't care!
11 years