
A crossroads...

I can't say that everyone comes to your crossroads but I can say I had. Sometime I would think that nobody would notice my gain but they did and they told me so. I just acknowledge the fact that I was gaining weight and left it at that. After awhile, people get use to the fact I was fat or getting fatter.
10 years

A crossroads...

LoverBrick wrote:

I finally met someone in real life from this site for some fun with food. Yesterday infact. Awesome experience.

Now that we've met and I've experienced it I'm so conflicted about continuing. It was such a vital experience for me as a person, something I've wanted for ages.

Peace smiley

The problem with experiences like that is when you truly find something that flips your switch, how are you supposed to envisage your life without that now?

Awesome, by the way, I'm so glad it was fun. No harm in doing it again a few times while you make up your mind, eh? Hehe
10 years

A crossroads...

LoverBrick wrote:
People sharing their experiences and coping strategies when people ask question would be handy though.

Maybe some of the advice I gave Amanda would help. Worked for
10 years