
Resolutions 2014

Since no one has started a thread for this I'll get things going.1st off I will be BREAKING a resolution I made over 30 yrs. ago.I had vowed to NEVER make another.But here I am making 1 now.I vow to make 2014 the happiest & Fattest year possible for me.Once I get moved in with my love & Feeder Bre it's just on to Bigger Better things...smiley
10 years

Resolutions 2014

My 2014 Resolution is to make 2 new shorts a month, in addition to filming our Web-Series Season 2.

I'm not going to count this short because it wasn't 2014 on Sunday...

I also plan to quit working for people in 2014 as my semi side business should be a full time business!
#BeYourOwnBoss! lol
10 years

Resolutions 2014

My resolution is mostly to try to get myself more established or to move up a little bit from where I am in life. I am more serious about education than I was back when I graduated high school and I have more interests now and have had them for a few years now.

I also need to try to stop getting down on myself about some things.
10 years

Resolutions 2014

Probably get dreads. Oh and take over the world. But the former seems a bit simpler.
10 years