
Size you know you're fat

Guess that doesn't work for me. I'd like to have a disproportionally big round belly someday. And then by overall look I could tell I'm fat. Not by that actually, but I like to keep track on waist-to-hips ratio and would like it to grow.

I'd love to outgrow shirts more often than pants. Guess I could say I'm truly fat when I still be able to wear pants from regular stores, but need to visit B&T store for shirts.
10 years

Size you know you're fat

Heh when I went from a 63" to a 65" in just the course of a few days. Also when 3x shirts ride about your bellybutton and 4x is getting close..
10 years

Size you know you're fat

I'd say it's around where you're 50% heavier than your "normal" weight.
10 years

Size you know you're fat

For me, it was when I broke my first piece of lawn furniture when I sat in it.
10 years