Artists and animators

Deviantart links

thank You!
there was a period when i did do a lot of gothic themed photos. smiley

You're welcome. What phase are you in now?
7 years

Deviantart links

thank You!
there was a period when i did do a lot of gothic themed photos. smiley

You're welcome. What phase are you in now?

haven't really gotten back into it again, just been working, and trying to pay off bills. another reason why i started a go fund me, so i can be a fat and happy artist instead of a starving one. lol and currently living in a tiny house, which is very sucky.

Gotcha, so art is your main line of work then? What medium are you focusing on now? Small houses do suck. We're moving to a new place soon since this one doesn't even have enough wall space for our art collection.
7 years

Deviantart links

I'm new here but this is mine ^^
4 years

Deviantart links

I stopped going there after they made you use the new interface. It is truly terrible and makes everything hard to find. Just not worth the trouble.
4 years

Deviantart links

I'm a little nervous to connect these, but here's mine:
4 years

Deviantart links
4 years

Deviantart links

Here’s mine:
4 years

Deviantart links

Hello all. I used to have an account here years ago and I recently decided to rejoin. I've been making more of an effort to share some of my art and stories with the world now. Here is my DeviantArt link:

Looking forward to getting to know some folks and fellow artists here. smiley
4 years

Deviantart links

I have hundreds of stories on my DeviantArt account - mostly weight gain, but a few pregnancy ones too. My uploading schedule varies, but it's often 3-5 stories a week.

People like them so you might too:
3 years

Deviantart links
My DeviantArt link if anyone is interested
3 years
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