Artists and animators

Deviantart links
I make art and post it on here more consistently than I do on this platform!!
Come check me out :-D
1 year

Deviantart links

The bulk of my art is there though i mostly post on Twitter and Instagram now.
(All under the same name)
1 year

Deviantart links Does cheap and wide variety of commissions
1 year

Deviantart links

Here's mine smiley
1 year

Deviantart links

My DeviantArt link if anyone is interested
love your stories man
1 year

Deviantart links

Startergainer01: Mine if anyone is interested. It's been a while since I've drawn such pictures though. I still have to finish someone's request, it's been months.

Nice work, I really like your drawings! You have a wonderful selection of "favorites" as well.
1 year

Deviantart links

I have posted the first chapter of my story on DeviantArt as it breaks the guidelines here.

This is the opening chapter of a long story, following the protagonist for twelve years. She is 11 when the story starts, but I want to make it clear that there is nothing sexual about the story and there will not be until she is over 16 (Age of consent in UK) and has a strong relationship with her boyfriend. Even then, there will be no graphic descriptions. This story focuses on Emily growing up in the family she always saw as loving and protective, until it wasn't.
1 year

Deviantart links

I have posted the first chapter of my story on DeviantArt as it breaks the guidelines here.

This is the opening chapter of a long story, following the protagonist for twelve years. She is 11 when the story starts, but I want to make it clear that there is nothing sexual about the story and there will not be until she is over 16 (Age of consent in UK) and has a strong relationship with her boyfriend. Even then, there will be no graphic descriptions. This story focuses on Emily growing up in the family she always saw as loving and protective, until it wasn't.

I couldn't make it very far into the story. I don't know if you broke any laws by making this story, but I feel like you have.

High key would not let you near any children after reading the little bit that I did.
1 year

Deviantart links

This is one of the best pro-fat sort of deviantart places I know of:

These are the kind of stories I like; really cute wholesome ones...just like how while I am indeed asexual (I don't care for sex) I am (contrary to the "aro" stereotype) big time romantic and I ADORE sweet wholesome expressions of love like hugs, cuddles, holding hands, resting your head on your SO, things like that smiley

Reading your preferences for stories, please look at my stories here on FF. I don't describe sex scenes and most if not all have some romance in them.
1 year

Deviantart links
4 months
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