
What if everyone else was thin?

Maybe it'll force all of you closeted FAs and feeders to go public?
17 years

What if everyone else was thin?

girlscandance wrote:
Dude, whatever. Who would be able to afford it?

This lady speaks the truth.

Again, the topics here amaze and amuse me with the amount of crap that goes on in them.
17 years

What if everyone else was thin?

Teddy Bear wrote:
(some really random and stupid crap)

It's amazing how you talk of people being deported based solely on their weight, or insult people based on liking skinny people-how hypocritical considering you speak of the apparent 'atrocities' done to fat people. And I wouldn't want an extra 200 ilbs on me, thank you very much.

It's very revealing the way you act 'docile' and 'timid' yet hurl out thunderbolts of bigotry, meaness, and idiocy.

]ALL of you posting about this should be freaking ashamed of yourselves. You're not morally better for liking fat. You're not special for it. You're not being persecuted. You happen to like it, and the way many of you insult thin people is pretty damn similar to the way you feel you lot are 'insulted'. And contrary to what the lot of you may believe, the majority of people out there in the Western World ARE educated, and many WANT to be thin, fit, and the like. Obesity is a problem for enough people, whether you want to admit it or no.

Of course, I'm thin as well. What do I know, probably being evil and all for getting that way through dieting and exercise. And I guess I'm supposed to be naturally aggressive and warlike due to being thin, since Teddy Bear keeps hawking on it.

Like I said. You who talk like this ought be ashamed of yourselves.
17 years

What if everyone else was thin?

Communities are communities. Like all groupings, people here will be of varying logical skills. If you want to set up a site for smart, logical folks interested in gaining and encouraging, there might be a fair bit of interest.

I for one find the inane stuff annoying, but I also find ample smart and interesting people and comments to keep me coming back.
17 years

What if everyone else was thin?

softbellyrub wrote:
ZAK333 wrote:
Does anyone actually read Teddy's responses?? Seriously?

Its nice to know you check in once in a while to dis a fellow fatty.

Nice to know you can be rude as well.

I read Teddy's responses. He sounds brainwashed.
17 years

What if everyone else was thin?

Teddy Bear wrote:
Good evening Buffetbelly.

I have also noticed that some people are upset about the length of my posts. But it's only because I enjoy writing so much.

I'm 55 years old, and I have had a few years of college, and I have always enjoyed reading and writing essays. I had mentioned before on some the other forums, that when I was 13, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test, and when I was only in the third grade, I was already reading at the high school and adult level.

I guess some people are just jealous.

Oh well!

So anyone disagreeing with you is now 'jealous'? Or that many do not want to wade through a post to get to the essence of it?

Rather, it sounds like you're refusing to accept opinions other than your own. Your smugness is another check on the list of how much more pathetic you seem to be.
17 years

What if everyone else was thin?

ZAK333 wrote:
(an awesome post)

This lady has hit it on the ball. Period.
17 years