
Pretty boys unite!..

I got into an argument with someone recently. But i was so incredibly handsome, He turned into a fruit salad. And I ate him.
10 years

Pretty boys unite!..

So even if the guy who started this thread IS ridiculously good-looking, is there anything in the points he makes? That good looking people have a harder time if they fancy fatties, or have a harder time if they want to gain weight?

Seems to me the answer is only if they're elevating the value of how other people react to their looks/the pride they take in their own looks to a higher place than everyone else does.

In the case of the pretty guy who gets fat, is the OP suggesting it's going to be a bigger quantum leap to go from conventionally pretty to fat, because when they're pretty they gain universal approval and when they get fat they won't? Like, is he saying it's worse for a handsome guy to get fat than for an ugly one?


1. Doesn't that just make you pretty and fat? So you're still "better off" (in your eyes anyway) than ugly and fat? So no biggie, you're still handsome. No need to cry over that then.

2. The distance you travel in your "loss of identity" (what is that anyway? You're "the good looking one"? Do you have chums who're "the funny one" and "the ditzy one"? What is this, an episode of Friends?) between pretty and thin / pretty and fat is exactly the same journey that another guy makes travelling from ugly and thin to ugly and fat, surely? What about poor thin ugly guy, losing his "identity" as "the thin ugly guy"? Worse, what if getting fat makes him really super attractive? He'd no longer be thin ugly guy but fat handsome guy!!!! Nightmare loss of identity!!!!

As for good-looking guys who fancy fat girls, I'm not quite sure what the OP is saying. That because conventional society deems fat people less attractive, that people will judge pretty boys in some way for dating a fat chick? They'll be confused as to why that hot guy is choosing to go out with someone so fat and gross? They'll think there's something wrong with him, like he has a small dick? Oh grow up. Only if they're as shallow as you. Because 1. Most people realise at some point during high school, if not earlier, that fat people aren't of less value than the next person; 2. They'll just assume you like fat chicks, same as if you went out with a short girl, a blonde girl, a clever girl (less likely, that one) - is that too much for your fragile, coveted "identity" as a pretty boy to handle? and 3. News flash: looks don't equal worth. Being handsome doesn't give you status. It might buy you some time and nothing else. A girl might give you five minutes longer than she would the ugly guy because of your looks. But when she realises you're superficial and super-conscious of your own reflection, and that you seem to think you should be given better treatment because of it, she won't stick around (unless she's also highly superficial, in which case, have a great time together).

When I find out a male who is considered "good looking" is dating a girl whose looks/image aren't "identikit bland pretty", the guy goes up in my estimation. When I see a handsome guy who goes out with a mega cool but unconventional girl (fat/pierced/emo/scarily intellectual/disabled/blue-haired etc), I think "oh maybe he's not an *** despite his pretty boy looks" or "oh, maybe he thinks outside the box". It makes him go up in my estimation. I'm actually really disappointed in pretty boys who go out with pretty girls. Yes, I do see that that means I'm making judgments. Pretty people can be nice and kind and funny and awesome and have integrity too. But unfortunately a few of them are so looks-obsessed (and convinced it should mean they get special treatment) they give the rest a bad name.
10 years

Pretty boys unite!..

Well I don't usually post but what the hell..

As douchey as the OP words it (and as much as I hate the idiot who constantly put on the Zoolander in the break room all the time many years ago....)

There are a few points:

1) Yes, there are MANY if not most fat girls out there who really do have it in their minds that they are not 'good enough' and make various efforts to actualize this idea by doing everying up to and including sabatozing any chance they may have with a guy THEY deem to be 'too good.' Try dealing with a woman who has it engrained to auto/systematically hate herself. That's your average fat girl

2) I really really really REALLY hate to say it, but: WTF women. Well, some women anyway. I sadly know too many women who actually like the D-Bag demeanor the OP operates upon; such women will go to all ends to defend them. And I've found many of the bigger girls just to assume that's the way by talking with them....

3) "Ridiculously Good Looking" is a joke and OP knows that. You don't mention Zoolander unless you get your humour or I suppose severely mentally handicapped (the orange people and such you see on TV these day, etc.)

4) Since this happens to be the one year aniverssary of me being tricked into going in to a particular bar on what I found out was "black night".... Let me just say, as the only white, Canadian guy (the place litrally being on the same street I was born on too).... I was acutally laughed out loud at by a fat white girl for my advances simply because of my appearance. I had a heart-to-heart with one of her African friends confirming this, and my preferences, right afterwards. I danced with and had a fat Latino girl perplexed with me that night as well.... Ultimatley the confusion had me resovle to drinking 6 more beers on top of my two bottles of wine, and getting strange VIP treatment and NOT being kicked out, which is highly odd for this establishment

Anyway, do not underestimate the power or female self-hatred. However do notoverrestimate the ramblings of your average male D-Bag. Too many women are hooked to this
10 years

Pretty boys unite!..

ew men are gross
10 years

Pretty boys unite!..

I'm pretty sure OP is satirizing the _ _ Unite threads that have popped up over the last few months...
10 years