
Gainers:does nagging diminish?

Some people have told me that family and friends nagged them about their weight and eating habits when they first gained; but after they reached a certain size, others accepted that they were fat and unlikely to change, and quit nagging.

Has this happened to you? Or not? Please answer any of the following questions that apply to you:

1. How much did you weigh when you started gaining?

2. How much did you weigh when people began to nag or criticize your weight or eating habits?

3. How much did you weigh when the nagging/criticism diminished?

4. How much did you weigh when the nagging/criticism ceased?

5. How much do you weigh now?

Obviously, these questions will oversimply some situations--feel free to add details.
10 years

Gainers:does nagging diminish?

Nobody ever nagged me. Since I was told I had to lose for health reasons, my husband has been very supportive, but not nagging.
10 years

Gainers:does nagging diminish?

I've always been fat, so the nagging's been at about a constant level. It still comes in little bursts, and it's very annoying. But mostly I'm left alone about my weight because I started to plump up at about the age of four. I didn't start gaining on purpose until I was 13-14, and that saw a bit of an upswing in nagging for a while. But once I'd put on a pretty large amount it tapered off again.

Now, in the neighborhood of 600 pounds, I find that my folks aren't really as vocal about it as they once were. So long as I'm still somewhat health-minded. (Getting fruits and vegetables in my diet, doing some light exercise on a fairly regular basis that sort of thing)
10 years

Gainers:does nagging diminish?

loopytheone wrote:
I have only ever been nagged by my family, my friends wouldn't dream of it because they know I wouldn't stand for it and would just walk away and not come back if they tried to tell me what to do with my body. But here are my answers.

1. How much did you weigh when you started gaining?
Kinda difficult this one. Growing up I was a chubby kid, I managed to starve myself almost anorexic-ly thin by the time I was 12 and then slowly gained weight until I was up to 155 lbs (I am 5'2). When I was 21 I starved myself down to about 110 lbs then in these last three years I have gone up to around 185 lbs. I guess I would consider the last three years or so as my 'gaining experience' as that is when the fastest growth happened.

2. How much did you weigh when people began to nag or criticize your weight or eating habits?
I was always nagged and harassed even as a little kid. But as for being told that I had put on weight and was unhealthy and 'should care' and do something about etc etc I was about 160 lbs.

3. How much did you weigh when the nagging/criticism diminished?
The nagging has basically stopped now but that is because I actually sat my family down and explained in very simple terms that even they can understand that harassing and nagging somebody who has recovered from an eating disorder is not a great idea. It comes off more like 'hey, remember that time when you were so self-hating and miserable and nearly starved yourself to death? Why don't you be more like that again?'. They finally got it so they leave me alone now.

4. How much did you weigh when the nagging/criticism ceased?

5. How much do you weigh now?
Around 185 lbs.

Great answers! Thanks.
10 years

Gainers:does nagging diminish?

1) Started gaining at 150

2) When I reached 180 to about 230 was when the nagging reached its peak. Everyone from family, friends, coworkers, classmates to the mail man had to weigh in (no pun intendedsmileyon my weight and eating habits.

3)After 230 to about 250 the comments diminished. This was for two reasons. Family and friends started to accept their nagging had no impact on me losing weight. The second was I moved out of the area and new people that I met just assumed I was always a fat guy.

4) The nagging has never completely ceased but it is now mostly only few close family members and friends. I have noticed a recent increase in comments since my weight has started to climb again.

5) 282
10 years

Gainers:does nagging diminish?

For me, the comments came in several waves. Even though we gain weight one pound at a time, it seems like the most noticeable changes in body shape tend to happen relatively quickly at certain threshold points, and it was around these points when I really got comments from family. The first was in high school when I crossed from "big-boned" to "chubby" around the 170 pound mark. The second was in my second year of college when I crossed from "chubby" to "fat", around 220. And the last time was in my early 20s when I hit the 260s and suddenly went from "fat" to "really fat".

Even so, I was never bombarded with comments the way some of you guys seem to be or have been, and the ones I got were quite tame and non-confrontational.

Since then I've dropped back down into the 220's, mainly for health reasons; so of course everyone is being super supportive. (For a while everyone asked what my secret was. I felt the need to come up with something more acceptable than "I stopped intentionally gaining weight by stuffing thousands of extra calories every week." Diet and exercise. Yeah.)
10 years

Gainers:does nagging diminish?

1. I was around 180 when I started putting on weight, and around 250 when I started gaining intentionally.

2. Probably around 200.

3. Somewhere between 200-250, but it didn't have anything to do with my weight, but rather the fact that I boycotted family events for 7 years after I got ribbed about my weight.

4. Around 250, but again, the cessation of weight-related hostilities had little, if anything, to do with my weight.

5. ~270, give or take a few.
10 years