
Who plays tabletop rpgs?

Show of hands, who likes tabletop role-playing games?

I play Pathfinder with a weekly group, but I also like D&D 3.5 and Dungeon World. Other games I'd like to try include 13th Age, OSRIC, and Lamentations of the Flame Princess.
9 years

Who plays tabletop rpgs?

I like Pathfinder, D&D, World of Darkness, Hunter, Star Wars D20, and the table top Dragon Age system.

I used to be part of a weekly Pathfinder campaign, but that one sort of fell apart. But the Dragon Age campaign that I'm a part of is still going, the current storyline should be good for a few more sessions at least before we reboot.
9 years

Who plays tabletop rpgs?

I've played D&D for a few years, but I'd love to play Mistborn and Vampire: The Masquerade. Hopefully I can talk my group into playing those soon...
9 years

Who plays tabletop rpgs?

ifonlyitweretrue wrote:
Haven't played in a while, but I used to hold D&D 3.5 at my house. I prefer 2nd edition, but some of our play group aren't too keen on it. A friend of mine has a game called Fireborn that I want to try, and I've been wanting to try World of Darkness.

World of Darkness is one of my favorite systems because character creation is so simple. It takes only minutes and you're ready to go. I miss playing that so much.

cupcake_queenie wrote:
It's been a few years, but I play D&D. I really miss playing LFR campaigns and getting the fun goodies from WotC every once in a while.

LFR as in Legend of the Five Rings? I love that system (I knew I'd forgotten one when I made my post). That's one that I'd really like to GM a campaign in.
9 years

Who plays tabletop rpgs?

I started with 2nd edition, then 3rd and now i play pathfinder. Pathfinder has been the best table top role playing game so far
9 years

Who plays tabletop rpgs?

My group and I make our own games, but we've also been known to play Kobolds Ate my Baby.
9 years

Who plays tabletop rpgs?

3.5 RTEE DM here smiley
9 years