
Does the fetish ever go away

how can it go away? its apart of you. Either accept it or fight it for the rest of you life.
9 years

Does the fetish ever go away

I've had this kink ever since i can remember, and if anything it has only gotten stronger--this site and others, as well as knowing that beautiful feedees actually exist may have contributed to this.
9 years

Does the fetish ever go away

Netherwulf wrote a thoughtful response. I have been naturally attracted to overweight girls and women ever since I can remember, and the older a get the more my passion grows. It receive extreme sexual pleasure from watching a woman gain weight. I also found as I grew fatter that my own weight gain was a turn-on as well. I honestly believe it is just the way I am wired and to deny those feelings would be dishonest with myself.

While I have never been a feedee or feeder, the thought of being in a relationship where we feed and fatten each other has tremendous appeal. Reveling in our joint weight gain, enjoying rich, sumptuous meals together, and encouraging each other to grow ever fatter would be such a turn-on. The longer I have been a member of boards such as this, the stronger my weight gain desires grow, so no--it never goes away!
9 years

Does the fetish ever go away

Netherwulff wrote:
Most of the time, the habits used in substitution of a sexual fetish or 'preference' you have are debilitating to your life (things that can lead to OCD, depression, or anxiety, for instance).

You may wonder why I keep using the air-quotes; a fetish does not equate to a sexual preference. It's important to separate a sexual preference from what's considered a fetish.

Everyone thinks about it differently, but just think about the definition of the terms, relate it to how you think of being body-positive, and then go from there with whether you truly have a fetish, which 'can' be quite easily suppressed, compared to a preference, which 'cannot' be suppressed in most cases.

Actually...that's not quite correct. My understanding of the term "preference" meant just that; you prefer certain things in your partner, much the same as some-one might like plums better than peaches. If this is the case, it isn't that you cannot eat just like plums better.

I know for a fact that a fetish is not like that. A fetish is an intense sexual desire, and suppressing it is a mistake.
...if you want to get over a fetish, you do one of two things:
1) Seek professional help.
This may involve the use of drugs, which annihilate your libido and sex drive for the duration of time you spend on them.
2) You may grow out of a fetish over time. That happens too.
Sometimes, what will happen is that I'll get a sense of "satiety," so to speak, and put down feeding (and this site) for several months. Those times are nice, but I (like most people) always end up back for more fat guts.

Good luck.
9 years