
Coming out - feeders & feedees

Hi all,

It wasn't till after high school that I came out as an FA, because we all know how judgmental people are :-/. I would like to hear from people who have come out about their feeder or feedee fetish, and what sort of responses they received...

~ Danny
9 years

Coming out - feeders & feedees

Interesting topic.....with varied responses I am sure!

As far as myself I guess it was sort of different with everyone I told or alluded this to.

My first long term girlfriend during High School who happened to be very open and quite adventurous. I told her I liked it when she gained weight. She was pretty open to it and gained weight fairly easy. She would eat tons of food and stuff herself in front of me and others and then make comments about how Fat she was getting. On several occasions usually after one of these stuffings around friends and acquaintances she would comment right in front of me that I don't seem to mind how Fat she has become and for that matter how much Fatter she is going to get. It was pretty arousing but kind of embarrassing the same at this time. So, indirectly speaking many of her friends and some of her work acquaintances found out about my fetish as well.

I openly told many of my buddies back just after High
school that I hung out with that I like thicker women with Big butts and big breasts. They probably thought that I liked a little bit of extra weight on the women I desired...or at least that's what I thought they were thinking. Until one day a couple of these friends and I were at a bar and one of them asked me and pointed in the direction of a girl and said is she thick enough while smiling at me. As I looked over this pretty girl was around 5' 3" and gorgeous weighing around 230 Lbs. and I was definitely thinking she was exactly what I like and I said kinda of slowly "now thats a big one" as if I thought she was to big.....just as I did the one friend said oh she is to thick? I just let it go....even though I thought she was so damn sexy. But at this stage of my openness I tried to deny liking girls that fat. It's crazy to think that I would desire that same girl with an extra 100+ Lbs. today and be totally comfortable letting everyone know.

Lastly, my wife know's I would love her to gain weight and when she does I encourage her to gain even more when she considers herself Fat at that point already. Little does she know that even at her heaviest, which I loved, she couldn't believe how much I liked her at that weight, which she considered so Fat.......she would be totally disgusted if she knew I dream of her getting even 100 Lbs. bigger than she was.

So, when you say coming out I am sure it will be varied based on many situations. A couple of my past girlfriends and my wife know I love weight gain on them and like Fat but I have only really discussed extreme weight gain with one of them. I told her she would only be sexier with the more she gained and she would never get Fat enough that I wouldn't love every one of her Lbs. She would always want to know and role play how Fat I would want her to get. She was probably the one I talked most openly about how Fat I would love for her to get because she always wanted to know. Still I never put a number on it because she was kind of insecure I would just show her as I placed my arms around her and move them out and she would get pretty excited about me loving her fatter because she struggled with her weight several times in her life and just loved that I loved her even Fatter.
9 years