
Office/desk jobs

Office jobs are the best for weight gaining. It's a slippery slope that is hard to turn back on. My wife has gained around 50-60 pounds in 2 1/2 years since she took an office job. She has gone from 190 size 12/14 to around 250 size 18 now. She is now wearing 1X and 2X tops. Incredible gain! smiley
9 years

Office/desk jobs

Congrats, Browniebelly! I can attest also to the fattening power of desk jobs. That's really when I started gaining. I had always been very active, and no fat stuck to me, but the sedentary lifestyle along with co-workers homemade goodies and weekly birthday cakes, plus luncheons cateredin --all started to round me up quite a bit and turned me on to the gaining life! You have so much fun ahead of you, bb!

maxymumspyder wrote:
The desk job phenomenon is legitimate, for sure. A very good friend of mine that I dated briefly packed on quite a bit of weight once she ended up behind a desk. She was a decent athlete when we were younger, even played softball and basketball in college, though not at a competitive level. She put on a little bit of beer weight, but worked a fair amount of that off.

She was/is a very pretty girl, at her fittest she was 5’5” and about 125-130 pounds. She had porcelain skin, a full yet proportional bubble butt, and curly red hair. Her facial bone structure was elegant with a model like angularity. Beautiful, girl next door type.

Fast forward a few years later and the professional life began to take quite a toll on her formerly lithe waistline. A sedentary lifestyle, combined with a love of wine and all things fried changed things dramatically. For starters, she blew up three pants sizes. which couldn’t have been easy to deal with. The brunt of the weight she gained went straight around her middle, which has given her a very noticeable beer belly/paunch.

It didn’t just stop there either, as obviously the rest of her filled out quite a bit. Her rear end, already quite plump, grew to be big enough where she split her snow pants on the ski slopes one day. Not too mention, her face filled out dramatically to the point where she is even sporting a nascent double chin.

Last time we spoke, she confided in how much weight she had gained. Recent doctor’s visit put her at 162 pounds. The extra 30-35 pounds or so served to really slow her down, as she told me she gets winded walking the three flights of stairs up to her office. Quite a change for someone used to going up and down a basketball court.
9 years

Office/desk jobs

This one time when I was a bit younger like maybe 16, me and parents went out to buy me a new mattress because I had out grown my twin sized mattress (unfortunately I out grew it hight wise not girth wise). When we walked in every employee there was over weight. And not just a little over weight but a LOT over weight especially the head boss dude. I guess it's because there job description it laying on mattresses. Also when my dad was paying for it I over heard the other employees having a very detailed conversation about there favorite fast food places to go to lunch at. It sounded like they had fast food lunches most of the time. I would LOVE to be like an intern there or something as a college job. And also everyone there was really nice Which adds to me wanting to work there. Atleast for a little while smiley
9 years
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