Fat experiences

Fit to fat

7 year ago i weighed about 10 stone 3 (141 lbs) and was super fit. Over the years I got lazier and lazier. I took up driving and the weight sort of crept up on me. I weigh 16 stone 8 (232 lbs) and get winded just running up the stairs in my house. As i slowly get fatter I guess i have no choice but to embrace the fat man I'm becoming. Meeting someone to help me along would be amazing!!
8 years

Fit to fat

I've always been really athletic. I went from scrawny to curvy when puberty hit and started running track in junior high. I ran all through high school and my first year of college, but have been gaining a lot recently. This summer's been my first really break from training since I was 14 and I've taken full advantage of it by being as lazy as possible. My tone, yet shapely 140 lb body is becoming more of a memory since being replaced with a squishy 172 lb one. Don't quite know how I feel about it yet. I miss my abs, but this booty's not too bad
8 years

Fit to fat

I've only gained a small amount for this site but I've gone from slim and athletic to chubby with a fattened belly.

I used to do track running years ago and remained fit from that until I really started exploring gaining and stuffing.

Back in May I was a skinny 112 lbs with abs and reasonably fit then I started gaining over summer.

About a month ago I looked at my softening body and thought 'sod it' and decided to start stuffing myself every day I could.

Now I am here 30 lbs of fat heavier with a nice flabby gut in place of my abs hanging over my jeans. I stuff myself nearly every day, sometimes all day and as a result my belly has fattened up by over 10 inches in a few months, mostly very recently.

So I went from skinny and toned with a 26 inch waist to overfed, insatiable and unfit with a nearly 37 inch fat gut and no muscle tone whatsoever..

No way I could manage one 400mm lap round the track now.

I have given in to my piggy desires and am turning into a butterball fast.
8 years

Fit to fat

there's just something unfathomably sexy about coming from a place of deprivation, thinness and self hatred and growing (haha) to a place of overindulgence, love and plumpness. I love it.

Amen to that! Thanks for sharing that very interesting experience. You've had quite a struggle but that likely just makes the victory all the sweeter :-)
8 years

Fit to fat

In 2012:50 kgs
In 2015 :83kgs
I'm 5'1 I used to be very active but now I've give up my gym membership and have been lazying around

By the end of 2016, you could be 100 kgs or more. You will have doubled your weight in four years. Well done! I bet you had fun!
8 years

Fit to fat

Who needs a gym when you have food!

Lol agreed!!
8 years

Fit to fat

God, I love the idea of plumping up from being skinny, but maybe thats just me smiley

No LOL it's not just you. :-) At least not on this site. You are among like minded individuals here.

I always wonder how many others feel that way but haven't found a site like this to explore it. How did you find this?
8 years

Fit to fat

Ha, yeah I've been definitely creeping down that road. 20lbs have slowly crept on since college, and the end of organized sports for me. Most people won't believe me cause I still LOOK fit for the most part, but a quick peak under my shirt would show some fat rolls.
8 years

Fit to fat

I was 150-160 size 32 pants till I got married to a women that loved to cook and over feed her men. I gained 60-70 lbs in my marriage 230lb. Now one year later after divorce I'm sill getting fatter on my own. Size 40 pants just fit, willing to bet I am over 240. It would be something to get to 260 this year (2016) 100lbs from where I was.
8 years

Fit to fat

i once was doing sports/exercises 4-5 times a week and weighted about 88kg fit and now its between 94kg and 98kg depends on the time of the year ;-) mostly with a slightly chubby tummy but i find the contrast between fit and chubby on a little out of shpe so sexy ....would be really hot if i would getting to slow chasing my gf over time or keep up with one of her exercises routines only to show her you are still a man and fitter than her only realizing after 5 minutes phew you on´t do it until the end and find some bratty excuse to stop after 10 minutes saying something like....haha your exercises are still easy for me go on little girl keeping your ass in good shape giving her a slap and going for the kitchen for some icecream and watch her doing her routine :_)
8 years
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