
Advertiser stealing our photos

Not cool. Not cool at all.
9 years

Advertiser stealing our photos

We allow them to advertise because it helps with our running costs, however the issue of them systematically stealing photos from this website has been taken very seriously indeed.

I have contacted the Curvage webmaster on behalf of all of you asking for the thread to be removed and steps to be put in place to prevent your pictures being stolen in the future. He is currently in the process of looking into copyright 'fair use' law and considering his options. Obviously if they need to change their policy on where their pics come from then this could have quite wide ranging implications for their website.

If you are angry enough about your pictures being stolen then now is the time for each of you to contact the Curvage webmaster - while he's making his decision. The more pressure we can put on him then the more likely he is to remove the thread and prevent pictures being stolen from here in the future.

The webmaster at Curvage has the usename SuperJ707 and the guy that seems to be stealing most of the pics has the username Heart & Mind.

Please direct your anger at the perpetrators - not those trying to help.
9 years

Advertiser stealing our photos

I'm locking this thread because we now have the attention of the Curvage webmaster and it's only fair to give him time to respond.

Curvage is not an enemy of FF and the two websites share many of the same users, so the aim isn't to destroy Curvage since that would be a great loss to many or our members. I have full confidence that this will be resolved amicably.
9 years