
The helpfulness of gainers

Have you read "How to Get Fat" on my site?

It has helped some.
9 years

The helpfulness of gainers

Have you tried snacking? And how has replacing regular foods with exclusive fatty foods and carbs? For me personally, carbs are key. They also are digested more quickly than protein (and dairy, if I'm not mistaken) and this might help you eat more frequently.

I understand wanting to stretch your stomach and gain by stuffing, but anything that makes you puke is going to make it that much harder to get back in the saddle. If your goal has to be gaining at all, I'd put the idea of gaining fast aside for a bit. Try to foster your love for food. I developed a utilitarian, vaguely unpleasant relationship with food during my first big stuffing binge. Granted, I'm a natural gainer, but if I didn't cease the stuffing and rebuild my desire to eat, I never would have gotten this fat!

I'm here if you think I can help (even if it takes me a little while to get back to you!)
9 years

The helpfulness of gainers

I have the same problem. Fast metabolism, and I get full very quickly. I wish I could gain weight the way other people do but I don't. I have gone from 170 to almost 220 in just a few months before but the beginning is always the hardest. I've lost a lot of the weight I gained and it makes me sad actually, I'm down to 185. What I did was just eat until I was full and then rest a little while then eat again. I would also set calorie goals for the day. I started with about 3500 calories a day for a few days then bumped up to 4000 then bumped to 4500 then 5000. For the first 2 weeks or so trying to eat that much was a challenge I didn't think I could do it but I was starting to see the results so I pushed myself. Now after a few weeks I became a bottomless pit consuming at least 5000 calories a day and sometimes 7 or 8 thousand. The pounds kept piling on and I wasn't sure I should keep going, I had doubt's. But now that I've lost weight (without trying, due to fast metabolism) I'm actually not happy with my body and wish I had gotten much bigger. Now I'm back to the beginning trying to get the mindset to just eat which isn't always as easy as it sounds.
9 years