
Subreddit for gainers

Thanks Tai Da Le. I've stumbled across there myself and you are right it isn't a busy place. But it is cool to fine more people into this. Even if it's a couple at a time.
9 years

Subreddit for gainers

I don't post much on here, but I am allll over reddit and I would love to help populate a community with one of my main accounts. In a dedicated sub I guarantee that you will be protected from meanies. On the rest of the site people will be complete ***s usually. There is a trend, however slow it is, of reddit finally opening up to bigger girls (think bbw) in some limited instance. However this would only be on non main subs like r/chubby or the curvy metareddit where there any many links to semi pro fat subs. r/trollxchromosomes is also a great actual current feminism thread. It is a spin off of r/twoxxchromosomes which is a bit more uptight imo.

There are even more fat positive subs
but some one them are feminist only and while you would recieve sympathy it would be an inappropriate post,

I spend way too much time on there but I love this site way more and would help FF in reddit in any way,

i apologies in advance for the quality of writing. I am drunk atm.

Just want to help out my fave hookup site. :]
9 years