
Secretly eating before meals?

Thank goodness your binge continued, god what a "bitch". It is so rude to so judgmental, I can't believe she called you out!

Ned Fox
9 years

Secretly eating before meals?

I've done it many times, it's a major guilty pleasure!

On one occasion I had dinner plans with family and decided to have an enormous lunch as a bit of a pre-stuffing. I ended up in an eating frenzy lasting several hours, completely forgetting about dinner. When I was finally too stuffed to move and rubbing my belly to relax, my phone alarm went off telling me I had to be at the restaurant in 30 minutes. I had to change into some more comfortable clothes and managed to polished off a 4 course dinner. Nobody noticed much, but it was a major turn on for me. I went home and slipped into a food coma quite quickly.

It was quite a day!
9 years

Secretly eating before meals?

Yesterday I got up early, before my wife got up to make breakfast. My stomach capacity has been getting stretched lately, and so I was starving, I didn't think I could wait until breakfast...

There was 3/4 of a pumpkin pie from the weekend in the fridge, along with some fresh (the night before) whipped cream. So I thought I'd have some of that...

I finished the whole thing by the time my wife got up. She was cross at me for not saving some (even though she doesn't eat that kind of thing!)... My punishment for being so greedy was an extra big breakfast!

I was truly stuffed by the time I went to work. Over-stuffed!
9 years