
Goodbye and thank you

SoCalCutie wrote:
Goodbye FantasyFeeder... I've decided to delete my account.. I have to be thankful for many reasons:

1) I met my last boyfriend on this site.. I found love on this site (heartbreak also, but love none the less).. he lived with me for 6 months and I had never had that experience before so I thank you..

2) I've never been so comfortable with my body as I was thanks to this site.. It's nice to know that there really are fat lovers out there.. and people that see fat as beautiful and not just something negative.. The most comfortable I've ever been sexually was with the boyfriend I met from this site because i KNEW he loved my body as it was..and for the first time in 31 years, I was loved for being ME... So thank you.

3) I've talked to many MANY guys on this site.. unfortunately most were too young and too far away but.. I thank you for the company and good conversation..

I'm deleting my account because I might be having a new boyfriend soon... and I didn't meet him on the site so I'm very scared haha.. I'm always afraid a guy off the street won't love me the way I am but.. I guess it's a leap you have to take sometimes.. hope for the best..

My email is crazykrs at h o t mail dot com if anyone feels the need or want to talk to me before I'm completely gone (I'll give it a week).. but anyway.. thanks for the memories Fantasy Feeder... and thanks to all of the fat lovers out there... stay proud and loud <3


Good luck!
9 years

Goodbye and thank you

Good luck SoCalCutie... wish you the best!
9 years