

Well my boyfriend knows I go on this site and he doesn't care. As long as the only guy I do the mattress mambo with is him.
9 years


I would agree with that, he knows what I like. I've told him that I'd love it if he'd gain weight, he flat out refused. So it's disappointing on my end to hear him so blatently refuse but I also can't force him. It's his body and his life so he can do what he wants with it. He has to live it with day in and day out, the societal brainwashing of fat being evil and wrong is way too strong in him.
9 years


Natsuki96 wrote:
There are many people here who have a partner and their partner doesn't know anything about this site or the fetishes... I don't know how others see this but, personally I think that's as if they were cheating on their partners .. or something, because a lot of them talk to other people looking for other things (you know), not just advice...

What do you think?

I think it is cheating.

But that said, is masturbating to porn or getting turned on by romantic novels or erotica writing, is that cheating?

Because I'm thinking that those of us with this "peculiar desire" may have to help get our engines revving by some means. Is it wrong that we get turned on (and return to get turned on) to erotic writings, photos, etc.?
9 years


Elanor wrote:
It's cheating if you feel like you have to hide it from your significant other.

Thanks. I think most people will agree with this.

And I am not trying to be moralistic here. Nor do I consider myself morally superior to anyone here. By Elanor's definition, I have definitely cheated.
9 years


I dated a girl for five months who I told early on I found full tummies cute, and it was no big deal. We had an open relationship and things were pretty stable as long as we were honest about what we were up to. I was fine with all of her "extracurricular" activities, but I honestly hardly had time to date anyone else.

Though she knew about the fetish, she didn't learn about this site until by accident, and it's probably the #1 thing that killed our relationship. I was just lurking on here but idk. Maybe I should have been more honest.
9 years