Story authors

No publishers for ffa/bhm fic

There's always the option to self-publish I guess.
9 years

No publishers for ffa/bhm fic

hello winterstocking

i too have looked and came up zip...i guess there's just not any kind of market for it except for those rare few of us swimming against an overwhelming tide of bbw-ness.

i'm afraid we're just going to have to not give up our day job and write what pleases and arouses us. well, works for me anyway.

love all your writing btw, was and is still some of the best here...any chance you might consider hitting the keyboard again for we few nutcase misfit lovers of your prose? :-)

9 years

No publishers for ffa/bhm fic

winterstocking wrote:
I will MAKE people like what I like, darnit.

yes...MAKE that slipper fit
9 years

No publishers for ffa/bhm fic

Winterstocking, when you do this, you will let us know where and how we can purchase your delightful writing, right? I'm tired of mentally replacing "rock-hard abs" with "soft, doughy belly" when I read romance stories.
9 years

No publishers for ffa/bhm fic

Publish ebooks and sell online on amazon.
9 years