
More heavy cream

2 quarts, mixed with a box of brownie mix. Once I did it all in an evening, which was a little much. The second time I poured myself smaller cups of it throughout the day.

It is far an away the most effective gaining tool I have found! Good luck and enjoy smiley
9 years

More heavy cream

Every now and then I decide to get my Heavy Cream on. I usually down a quart at a go. Mixed with a quart of chocolate milk to thin it a bit.
9 years

More heavy cream

I think I drank 2 cups of it, and that was the last time I ever drank it because it made me really sick. I can't digest fats very well:-( Otherwise I'd be chugging the stuff daily!

I totally understand this. Heavy cream or really fatty whole milk just make me feel so bad afterwards. But they do a body good!
8 years

More heavy cream

Hi try a quart of chocolate milk mix with a pint of heavy whipped cream and drink that down that will give you a good bloat plus that's 2880 in calories there. add that with lunch and dinner, that will put some pounds on you and it tastes good too .smiley
8 years

More heavy cream

Just started intentionally gaining again last week. I decided I needed to try some heavy cream. Yesterday had a half of pint mixed with a glass of milk and it was easy to chug in one or two gulps. Today I followed a fattening lunch with a king size snickers and a pint of heavy went down pretty easy straight...probably 3-4 gulps.

I was wondering for those of you that had big gains with the stuff what did you notice with the gains. Was there more fat than usual gains on your body, was there gaining in different parts of your body than typical gains, id it make you gain in your face a lot?

Just wondering because I want to get past 260 Lbs. this time around but I really don't want to gain to much in my face.....any and all information would be helpful from all of you.
8 years

More heavy cream

I might have to try this to get off the plateau i'm on. Are you using 1:1 Cream and milk Voluptuouslover?
8 years

More heavy cream

I might have to try this to get off the plateau i'm on. Are you using 1:1 Cream and milk Voluptuouslover?

First time I tried 1/4 of a pint with 2% milk in a large glass. It was really easy for me to drink down almost like a heavy milk or a very thin mil shake.

The next time I did a full pint and chugged directly out of the carton 4 times and it was was obviously thicker then my first time but really was nothing more than a heavy really liquid Milkshake. It coated the the back of my throat a bit but was very easy actually.
8 years

More heavy cream

Thanks I'll try that., maybe add it to my after work donuts.
8 years

More heavy cream

Some nice fattening sugar to be washed down with some thick cream....perfect.
8 years

More heavy cream

So I tried this on my day off with mostly normal eating patterns and I'm over 5500 calories after just 2 meals. I think its a great addition to my meal plan.
8 years
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