
Korean fascination w/ binging

Wow that is pretty crazy. Alright you just need to make a twitch channel and stream yourself eating. I am sure that some thirsty dudes will watch and donate. Because, it doesnt seem like it takes much to make money on twitch. And you have the most important thing covered already.
9 years

Korean fascination w/ binging

SofterSophie wrote:
I was thinking this could be great opportunity to earn some extra $dollars$ (or won). I wonder if the people of South Korea would enjoy watching a chubby American girl stuff herself.

I think they would indeed enjoy it!

It sounds like much of the appreciation is from the vicarious nature of this -- watching another binge when you know you can't -- due to societal norms, family, finances, worries about growing fat, etc.

I think you should go for it.
9 years

Korean fascination w/ binging

SofterSophie wrote:
I was thinking this could be great opportunity to earn some extra $dollars$ (or won). I wonder if the people of South Korea would enjoy watching a chubby American girl stuff herself.

I think they would indeed enjoy it!

It sounds like much of the appreciation is from the vicarious nature of this -- watching another binge when you know you can't -- due to societal norms, family, finances, worries about growing fat, etc.

I think you should go for it.
9 years

Korean fascination w/ binging

Women are already making thousands of dollars from merely recording themselves play video games. Eating and recording it isn't a huge stretch from there.

Although the language barrier might make it more boring for viewers.
9 years