
Propaganda, u.s. $60 bil

The weight loss industry in the U.S. is worth about $60 Billion. Big companies bombarding consumers with adds. It's hard to like your self when weight loss pressure is every where, adds with good pictures of the after and horrible pictures of the before, and conversations with neighbors and co-workers comparing each others so called progress. We as a community here are the rebels with a true understanding of beauty.
9 years

Propaganda, u.s. $60 bil

Beauty, time, space all relative. I'm not saying that an individual smaller by standards found here can't have beauty. In a society bombarded every day, told how to look how to present your self. Much fueled by money, weight loss industry, plastic surgery, even fashion with body socks and corsets.(cringe) beauty is first found within ones own self then it emulates out. At any size.
9 years