
Stuffing while drunk or drinking?

Am I the only one that continually eats when they get drunk? Like seriously I'm not a gainer at all and I don't stuff often but when I'm drunk I'll eat until I go to sleep, sober up or there is no food left lol.
9 years

Stuffing while drunk or drinking?

Haha ya I I can't really help it. I'm also happy I'm not the only one either.
9 years

Stuffing while drunk or drinking?

I get the drunk-munchies, but only if food's handy. If the slightest amount of effort is involved with obtaining said food I just content myself to booze it up. Same goes for smoking weed.
9 years

Stuffing while drunk or drinking?

Haha speaking of which... I plan on drinking tonight lol.
9 years