Feedback and suggestions

Likes and pear drops

There's been a bug in the pear drops on the profiles page, it's been displaying the number of likes you've given instead of the number of likes you've received (duh!). This has now been corrected and please accept my apologies for the error.

I've also increased the number of likes needed to get a pear drop to 50 likes each. This better takes into account the number of likes members have achieved, so the top most liked will get 5 drops with everyone else somewhere below.

Just out of interest, the top most liked members currently are:

taytay21 - 1354 likes

Imogenieze - 1200 likes

liveinlove94 - 729 lilkes
8 years

Likes and pear drops

Bugger, I've lost all my pear drops. smiley
8 years