Fat experiences

How big is your belly ?

62% belly
4 years

How big is your belly ?

4 years

How big is your belly ?

4 years

How big is your belly ?

Wooah! Your belly is huge! You struggle to get around from place to place, and often have to stop to catch your breath. Slight chance of death

So hot

Up to 88% 🤤
4 years

How big is your belly ?

4 years

How big is your belly ?


4 years

How big is your belly ?

I think that is quite fine.....
compared to other people in this community, of course.
4 years

How big is your belly ?

Your belly is 46% big!


You are quite average. You are sometimes healthy, and exercise a bit, though your belly is a bit plump.
4 years

How big is your belly ?

My belly is 55% big!

You are above average. Depending on your age, this could be serious. Your big belly is hanging over your tight belt.
4 years

How big is your belly ?

I don't know

Dave on page one of this post is a how big is your belly quiz.
4 years