
Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

I don't know if it's EVERYWHERE but when I first found about the whole feeder fetish thing a lot of people still believed it was just a "gay thing" that only men wanted to feed other men. Don't be sending me angry PM's though, this is just my remembrance of how I first found out about it. Despite the shift in perceptions and attitudes there is still a large portion of people out there who think it's just a gay thing and therefore rail against the very idea of it.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

I have two thoughts about this question.

Why is it so hard to find female feeders on fat fetish sites? Answer: we're overwhelmed with requests. I mostly come here to read and write stories, occasionally I chat or role play with someone but if I role played with every guy who sent me a message saying, im fat want to stuff me lol, I'd be incredibly bored. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Why is it so hard to find female feeders in real life? Are you keeping your feedee desires a secret? I used to never tell guys I was dating about my kink, but I started laying it out early on when discussing erotic fantasies. I say things like: I like big guys. You could never get too big for me. I think it's hot to watch you eat, especially food I made. Do you want a belly rub? It would be super hot if I fed you this cake in bed off my boobs, wouldn't it? I'd never ask you to gain weight for me but I wouldn't mind it if you happened to put on a few... Most fat guys are foodees at least, so they're often willing to play at this with me, even if they don't go on to gain 50 pounds or whatever. So for male feedees, think about how you can bring up this kink to the people you meet. Ask for belly rubs. Tell your girlfriend you like your own curves.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

As I said, when I first found out that's what I was told. Perhaps all I did get was a slanted version of things now I know better.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

This is common in almost every online fetish-based culture.

The problem stems from the fact that as a whole, there are many more single men than single women. This is because as a man, you are expected to go out into the world and prove your worth to a mate. This means the internet is full of many more lonely men than lonely women. Its natural selection and women choose who breeds and who starves.

Beyond that, men are much more accommodating to a woman's particular kinks. A guy that isn't into feederism is much more willing to eat more and/or gain weight for a woman because at the end of the day he knows he's getting laid anyway. If you ask a woman that isn't into feederism to eat and get fat she is much more apprehensive to the idea (not to say it doesn't happen). Why would she bother with such a thing when she has 5 other "guy friends" lined up ready to date that have no such weirdo fantasies?

I've been around the scene for a pretty long time now and I have only spoken to one local female that shared this interest. The odds really aren't stacked in your favor, I suggest you look for a girl not into the fantasy and maybe exchange fantasies with her.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

it goes beyond that. I want a tangible relationship beyond how much weight I put on(nevermind how awesome it feels been overweight. There has to be a spark or eventually it just gets weird and disappointing. I mean I enjoy the fact that I'm 300 ibs but I got that big because to my understanding of how the fem feeder community is on ff. That if I am not at least 300 pounds I should gtfo. But gaining to that is kinda like having a basic college education, sure you have it but so do 30 million other people. So I understand I am nothing special. I would also add that While I like all the extra weight I really am so tired of bs relationships where they are on the other end of a webcam and are gone the instant you ask or want to go to a higher level of commitment. You know the kind you would expect out of any kind of relationship. Usually by that point all the peoples I meet on here just slink away or start paying more attention to a new person and I'm left holding the scales and a broken heart.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

I've always thought of this as a social interaction site, centered around a mutual interest. I've never thought of this as much of a dating site. Perhaps others see it more as a dating site? Perhaps the site has a dual role?

That said, I've had two girls I was dating in real life who were trying to fatten me. One more openly, the other very subtly but unmistakable. Neither were online in communities like this and probably would never feel the need to seek out a community like this, even if they knew they existed. Just something they enjoy without feeling the need to discuss it with others. I've met a LOT of girls that like bigger men, so it may be more common than we think, they just aren't on here discussing it, and may not even be aware of it as a fetish.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

There's many many reasons. One big reason is that biologically, for whatever reason, men are more predisposed to having fetishes and paraphilias than women are. Also, like it was said before, men are more common on sites like these in general, maybe because men feel a little more comfortable searching for women on a special interest website while women can sometimes feel preyed on (because sadly, women can get bombarded with messages from one pesky guy, which can range from annoying to downright scary). I also think that now women are much more free to do what they want with their bodies than ever before, so if a woman wants to gain weight, she can, and with pride, because she can do what she desires without as much discrimination and also because there's definitely more of a lean in media towards women who are curvy (Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, the Kardashians, etc...). While this doesn't relate directly to feederism, and there is definitely still a stigma attached to weight gain, I think it helps that curvy has become more popular, and also that there's been a movement towards not touching up or "fixing" models' bodies (Aerie's campaign, for example). So I think the combination of these things has led to more female feedees on the site, which in turn makes it seem like there are less FFAs. On top of that, I think on some level every woman wants to feel safe, and while I find chubby men to be much more cuddly and comforting, in general most women want to feel protected by a built, muscular guy who can be a formidable obstacle to any type of threat. Many women are nurturing, many even with food, but there's a big difference between this and wanting someone to purposefully gain weight as a result. Some tend to confuse the norm with the fetish, and I've seen a lot of posts where male feedees tend to think there's a lot of women out there who are secretly FFAs or female feeders, but knowing how strongly I'm intrinsically drawn to this, I can't really imagine that many other people have this fetish and are able to hide from it, especially with the ease of the internet.

Lastly, messages! Most of the female feeders on this site get tons of them, as I know from the posts above and from personal experience. It's super hard to answer all of them, and I often read them and then forget to respond altogether until a much later date. We have lives too! I always feel really bad when people send me messages and then delete them because I didn't respond in time, but it is what it is. And, we can't role play with everyone, and don't want to, as said above. If you really want to talk, send something that isn't just a few sentences, and you'll definitely have a good chance at getting a response, even if it does take awhile! Anyways, that's just my two cents.
8 years

Why are female feeders for men so hard to find?

Well said!

Ffa sre out there. Just be active and they will approach you. Getting fatter helps as well
8 years