
Just wanted to talk about my gaining.

For your knee - Try icing it for 15-20 minutes several times a day along with plenty of advil. It may not seem like there is inflammation if it physically doesn't look swollen but there is definitely inflammation. Next, be diligent about riding a stationary cycle daily if possible, don't worry you probably won't lose any weight with how much you have got used to eating and probably it will even increase your appetite with this exercise. Also, the amount of calories burned is less than 50 for each 5-10 minute cycling, which you can easily make that up I assume. of some sort at the gym etc. the motion is the key to blood flow and creating oxygen to help heal the knee.

As far as your description with your gain being so noticeable physically as well as aesthetically now, I understand exactly what you mean. I myself went from 215 Lbs. up to 260 Lbs. and wow did I not only see a difference but I felt such a difference. Even when I was at 245 and climbing I found the easiest of things to be much more difficult with not only my belly getting in the way but with stamina. Bending over and tying my shoes while seating would leave me dizzy and virtually cut off my breath and when I got to 260 it was that much more challenging, I am sure I had a strained look on my face. I commonly would drop something in fairly tight quarters and bend down to pick up and my butt would bump into something then I would get up and move slightly and my hips or belly would bump into something else. A crazy discovery was when I was running after a football pass one day with a few friends and like you mentioned I felt my huge Gut bouncing and and jiggling uncontrollably and when I went to stop my momentum with my extra weight didnt allow me to stop on time and I virtually laid out a buddy that I thought I should have been easily able to stop before crashing into. I really couldn't stop all the extra weight.

I would love to hear a few more from you because I have several other encounters to tell!
8 years

Just wanted to talk about my gaining.

What volup said all sounds good. Also ask your doctor for a referral to physiotherapy. They will have more experience with practical knee stuff than your doctor can help with the short term, and teach you exercises and stretches to help keep the knee doing better in the future.
8 years

Just wanted to talk about my gaining.

Also, I forgot to get to your point about.....(you wanting to gain to 300 Lbs. and guy's who have got there tell you what it's like.) I to am interested in hearing but I know size and the way everyone carries weight is slightly different.

I know for me my gain was pretty fast about 5 months I know it made me feel a little more different with all the new extra weight than someone that has accumulated it over many years and got used to it...not to mention my stamina declined real fast and I felt so out of shape which was scary and exciting all at once but I guess that is to be expected when stuffing all the time and gaining so quick. When I was intentionally gaining and got to 260 I felt so much bigger than I do now even though I am still at 250 Lbs. but I feel so much smaller and lighter than just those 10 extra Lbs. than when I was 260. I do know my eating was totally out of control and I felt like I could get to 280 or even 300 pretty quickly if I kept it appetite increased so much I used to dream of food and wow did I eat it. I think if I would have kept going back then I would have felt HUGE....but once again that's because I was eating so much and gaining so quick. I literally was eating 8,000-10,000 calories daily without really trying ...not to mention it went way up when I was trying to eat more I could do 15,000+ calories.
8 years

Just wanted to talk about my gaining.

We're close in age and I'm 209. I know exactly what you mean. I'm at the point where 255 sounds delicious and doable. I, too, have bad knees (and back), so there's that fear. I suspect you were prescribed physical therapy, which did wonders for me, but the key is to keep it up on your own. Also, Glucosamine and vitamin D help with the joints..even the dr. recommended them.
8 years