
Jekyll and hyde

This is very interesting to me. I am a 63 year old man (who made an unfortunate choice in screen names), and also have a loving wife, grown children, and a professional career. Yet, here I am, looking at the lovely fat women with their big soft bellies and wishing that I was with any one of them.

I'm glad that there are ladies of my age posting here. I sometimes feel funny looking at pictures of young women who are younger than my daughters, but I tell myself that I'm not looking because they're young...
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

Here's the thing about being obsessed, aroused and madly in love with fat, especially fat, greedy bellies: It doesn't matter who we look at or what age or gender they are. I look at men and women's gaining bellies because I admire them. With men, I look for similar heights as mine to see how big I'd look at that weight as I gain; inspiration, so to speak.
With women, regardless of age, I'm just a born sucker for a big, flabby, fat out of control belly.
People post pics here to be looked at and as long as I don't pester people I see nothing to feel guilty about. Now, let's eat!
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

I am often surprised at how old or young some people are based on what they are saying. I like to hear from the more experienced voices, as otherwise things devolve into either newbie questions or thinly veiled personal ads. I wouldn't consider the discussions we have here as out of character from the rest of my life, but because of the sensuality I don't really have other outlets to share the pleasures of stuffing sessions or the arousing sighting of fresh flab.
I wonder what the average age and weight of the membership of this site is.
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

Here's the thing about being obsessed, aroused and madly in love with fat, especially fat, greedy bellies: It doesn't matter who we look at or what age or gender they are. I look at men and women's gaining bellies because I admire them. With men, I look for similar heights as mine to see how big I'd look at that weight as I gain; inspiration, so to speak.
With women, regardless of age, I'm just a born sucker for a big, flabby, fat out of control belly.
People post pics here to be looked at and as long as I don't pester people I see nothing to feel guilty about. Now, let's eat!

I could not agree more with what you said and like Tubby Marie and Softly 1, I am a successful businessman (now retired), normal, a straight ahead guy, who thinks about fat and ogles bellies all day long. Like you I often look at obese men and wonder what it would be like to be that fat and have a massive belly like their own. And I just get so aroused looking at fat women with large bellies overflowing their jeans or slacks, jiggling and quivering with every step, luscious rolls encircling their waists. Being older, I really appreciate women like Tubby Marie and Softly posting on this site. I think they are beautiful and I love sharing our fetish together.
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

Softly 1:
Lol...the OP wasn't age related. I do have certain 'conditions' regarding age, but my point was that I feel like ive got a dirty dark secret. I look like a mom doing normal things, work etc, but deep down im eyeing up fat bellies, fantasizing about belly play and feeding....taking pictures of myself and posting them for complete strangers to see....just makes me feel weird sometimes.

Oops. I made the leap in my mind that the part I feel guilty about is the that sometimes the forum skews younger and more single, where I don't have any business.
Maybe it's demographic or cultural, but I don't think anyone would be shocked by my love of fat. Lol, indeed.
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

Yeah I get this. Husband, father, good job, mortgage etc, and thinking about fat women constantly, and always looking for new pics on here and on Dimensions.

I have a slightly obsessive personality, I have a couple of other (not remotely connected to FA, almost the opposite) things I'm obsessed about and it bothers me sometimes.

Then I figure the things I love / obsess about make me what / who I am, and that, actually, many people have no real passions or obsessions and so have , I think, very grey lives, and I feel thankful for how I'm wired.
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

My conflict comes in where there will come a point where I have to choose my happiness over the life and the role others expect of me. I do not want to live a lie and I would rather be disowned and forgotten if I cannot be accepted. Because while this might hurt them I have been hurting from their rejection of all out hatred of anything fat. My whole life I have always been seen as the black sheep of the whole tree. I love a fat life. They can't accept me and yet I am supposed to forgive them for this and live my life for someone other than me. I have spent years healing from past pains and a shattered life. I certainly did not do it so I could abandon my life aspirations and be a bag carrier of others drama and guilt. Through it all the love of self and the desire to live a fat life has been a source of hope and motivation for me. This is how I want to live, I want to love myself and this is how I choose to do it. It feels right. It feels good. So while its not a secret that I am fat and proud its not seen as this. In the minds of others from back there I must be sick. There is something wrong with me and it must be fixed.

But there is nothing wrong with me. This is who I am and I can't turn away from it. If it means I live a shorter life because of the conscious choices that I make at least I will have lived and been happy with myself. Because I imagine my life will be even shorter if I hold it all in and stay in the closet about it.

So I say to you do no be ashamed. Love yourself and if that means you sit in your car and eat whole cakes then I hope you keep on doing it unashamed, just remember to adjust the steering wheel when your tummy start to envelope the wheel! smiley
8 years