Submission and domination

Share your dark fantasies

I like it.

I like her feeding and fattening me, and my responding by feeding and fattening her. There is a definite aspect of "you're MINE" in fattening someone ... and I would want to be HERS and she MINE!

Imagining me getting full and her putting additional bites in my mouth and me insisting I put a bite in hers too until we are both so stuffed we can't even feed the other.

Finally her short of breath saying "we are going to really fat doing this" and me saying back "Yep, I am not stopping though, you?" Her final response as she takes my hand to hold it is "nope!".
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

Some of mine tie in together.
For me its more about multiple fantasies than one.
I daydream about gaining so much that my family and friends are appalled. I don’t know a weight but definitely close to 300.
And then just eating to spite them even though I know I need to lose.
Then meeting someone who would encourage me to lose as close to I was when I was thin.
Thinking of terms of starting at 120’s and ending up well over 300.
Five feet tall and 300+ lbs sounds close to immobility. I don’t really think I want immobility. Although there are temporary ways to experience it.
So losing from 300+ to 135 or so and all the excess flapy skin. Being disgusted with how I feel and look and how it looks like im melting. Then thinking I want to gain more but then the person I’m with wont allow me to gain. Instead they keep making me lose. This. Making my skin even more saggy. Still having a gut because of the excess skin.
Then the yo yo effect of gaining and losing until I have gained it all back and more.
Along with this fantasy they would take me out in public like to the mall or park.
I would of course need a scooter or wheel chair to get very far.
Then being left standing in the middle of a big area and having trouble shuffling to a place to sit.
No bra…. And a shirt that’s so small it barely covers my upper tummy roll.
With each step… waddle… shuffle of my feet my whole body would wobble and move like jello… especially my hips and breasts.
Skin tight leggings under my gut and my shirt too short.
I expect people would stare and whisper and take pics and videos.
The worst part would be people I went to school with seeing me and then approaching me eventually. And giving backward compliments.
And hearing what they say as they walk away.
Hearing my phone ding with a notification from facebook and it being a video that someone uploaded and shared… and all the cutdowns.
After almost 30 minutes to get to a bench that’s 60 feet away wanting to sit down and realizing that I have to make it up 3 steps.
Struggling with each step. Fighting back tears
All while the person who ruined my life is sitting not far away watching me.
Finally making it to the bench and realizing that it’s so narrow that my hips have to squish into the arm rests and bulging over some.
Trying to get up my courage to walk to my scooter that I know is just out of reach.
A delivery guy shows up with food. He hands me a pizza in a box and I look at the person who brought me here and they nod and mouth, “eat it all and you can go”
I quickly swallow it all and now a bag of burgers are delivered… and again im told I can go when ive eaten it all. All that gets handed to me.
Eventually eating some much I cant move.
My gut so full and tight that is pushing my breasts up and to my sides.
Upper cleavage almost touching my chin.
All the while people staring and laughing or in horror.
Hiding their childrens eyes as they walk quickly away.

As people dissipate I am left almost alone and he approach as tells me I did good and its almost time to go home. He then goes behind me and lifts my shirt till its under my massive boobs showing my entire belly.
He brings the scooter closer and I shuffle to it and sit down out of breath as I drive to our van.
Knowing he has total control over me because I have no work skills and no energy.

Sounds like a good life youve planned out for yourself
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

Going off to a farm with my partner on a leash. I begin by leading her to a pig pen. l make her strip only allowing her to wear pig ears, snout, and a tail. she rolls around getting all muddy. I fill her trough up donut holes and tell her to eat. she must remain on all fours and burry her head in the trough eatting EVERY THING. Once she's done I go in behind her and breed her as her swollen belly jiggles and scrapes the ground.

WOW!!I like this one!!! smiley

Wow, me too!
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

Going off to a farm with my partner on a leash. I begin by leading her to a pig pen. l make her strip only allowing her to wear pig ears, snout, and a tail. she rolls around getting all muddy. I fill her trough up donut holes and tell her to eat. she must remain on all fours and burry her head in the trough eatting EVERY THING. Once she's done I go in behind her and breed her as her swollen belly jiggles and scrapes the ground.

i have that fantasy too, i'm the pig on a leash 😋
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

When I was a kid in Boy Scouts, doing door to door for some lost cause, I remember a vivid fantasy where a witch would open the door, and pull me inside. She chains me up and puts me in this stinky filthy humid swampy room. When the lights on there's this massively fat blob on the bed that I'm next to. I learn it's her son. She puts a body spell on my body and then his, and our bodies get swapped. My life just stolen from me, I am doomed to a life of fatness while her son walks around in my body living a life I'll never have a hope for again
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

I love the piggy fantasy of being forced to eat like a pig while actually getting bred by someone! Wow, that's hot!
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

I like the fantasy of being a big bloated pig and my feeder wife constantly stuffing and feeding me... always getting me off to associate food with pleasure, rubbing my gut, and fingering my deep bellybutton. That would make me melt smiley
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

Some nice fantasies in here, for sure :-) Mine is for another woman to feed my wife and I. My wife is closeted bisexual and digs the same body type as hers, which is big and fluffy :-) After we’re fed, she pleasures both of us — me with her mouth and my wife’s wet clit with her finger — and then we have a grand ménage a trois :-)
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

being taken off to some lab or farm where they house massive pigs like from that festival and being sort of a test subject pig, doing tasks whilst gaining copious amounts of weight and being treated like a pig.
Eating what they eat, sleeping alongside them, converting me into a pig both mentally and physically.
All the time being monitered 24/7, with possibly hourly checkups depending on how fast i'm gaining, for everything: bmi, blood pressure, waist size, hip size, thigh size, etc.
Growing far beyond any normal person and even most of the bariatrics, needing special equipment for me to move around, crawl/waddle and to operate on me so I keep growing.
Never being anything less than full to the brim with insanely caloric slop.
All while being told i'm a good pig.
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

My fantasy is going for a feeding session and I’m made to strip to my underwear and put on pig ears, snout and tied to a chair and fed
3 years