Submission and domination

Share your dark fantasies

Going off to a farm with my partner on a leash. I begin by leading her to a pig pen. l make her strip only allowing her to wear pig ears, snout, and a tail. she rolls around getting all muddy. I fill her trough up donut holes and tell her to eat. she must remain on all fours and burry her head in the trough eatting EVERY THING. Once she's done I go in behind her and breed her as her swollen belly jiggles and scrapes the ground.

i have that fantasy too, i'm the pig on a leash 😋
4 years

Share your dark fantasies

When I was a kid in Boy Scouts, doing door to door for some lost cause, I remember a vivid fantasy where a witch would open the door, and pull me inside. She chains me up and puts me in this stinky filthy humid swampy room. When the lights on there's this massively fat blob on the bed that I'm next to. I learn it's her son. She puts a body spell on my body and then his, and our bodies get swapped. My life just stolen from me, I am doomed to a life of fatness while her son walks around in my body living a life I'll never have a hope for again
4 years

Share your dark fantasies

I love the piggy fantasy of being forced to eat like a pig while actually getting bred by someone! Wow, that's hot!
4 years

Share your dark fantasies

I like the fantasy of being a big bloated pig and my feeder wife constantly stuffing and feeding me... always getting me off to associate food with pleasure, rubbing my gut, and fingering my deep bellybutton. That would make me melt smiley
4 years

Share your dark fantasies

Some nice fantasies in here, for sure :-) Mine is for another woman to feed my wife and I. My wife is closeted bisexual and digs the same body type as hers, which is big and fluffy :-) After we’re fed, she pleasures both of us — me with her mouth and my wife’s wet clit with her finger — and then we have a grand ménage a trois :-)
4 years

Share your dark fantasies

being taken off to some lab or farm where they house massive pigs like from that festival and being sort of a test subject pig, doing tasks whilst gaining copious amounts of weight and being treated like a pig.
Eating what they eat, sleeping alongside them, converting me into a pig both mentally and physically.
All the time being monitered 24/7, with possibly hourly checkups depending on how fast i'm gaining, for everything: bmi, blood pressure, waist size, hip size, thigh size, etc.
Growing far beyond any normal person and even most of the bariatrics, needing special equipment for me to move around, crawl/waddle and to operate on me so I keep growing.
Never being anything less than full to the brim with insanely caloric slop.
All while being told i'm a good pig.
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

My fantasy is going for a feeding session and I’m made to strip to my underwear and put on pig ears, snout and tied to a chair and fed
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

I have a few. Firstly, if I was to strictly only be a feeder I would love to have a feedee willing to constantly push their limits when it comes to stuffing sessions. Really to see how close they'd get to bursting (but not actually). In addition elements like force-feeding and body writing could be added to intensify the experience. Secondly, I wouldn't also mind if a female feeder made it her personal goal to ruin my average body through similar methods as mentioned above. And finally, being able to mutually gain with another person.
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

being taken off to some lab or farm where they house massive pigs like from that festival and being sort of a test subject pig, doing tasks whilst gaining copious amounts of weight and being treated like a pig.
Eating what they eat, sleeping alongside them, converting me into a pig both mentally and physically.
All the time being monitered 24/7, with possibly hourly checkups depending on how fast i'm gaining, for everything: bmi, blood pressure, waist size, hip size, thigh size, etc.
Growing far beyond any normal person and even most of the bariatrics, needing special equipment for me to move around, crawl/waddle and to operate on me so I keep growing.
Never being anything less than full to the brim with insanely caloric slop.
All while being told i'm a good pig.

I wonder how this process would affect your mind. Maybe you'll get all soft and sweet and docile for your captors. Living to be told you're a good piggy as you keep growing and growing and eating delicious food, and your mind slowly going soft and dumb.

These kind of mental changes are among my darkest fantasies. I have put them into my stories sometimes, but I never think I have been that successful at it.

This thread inspires even more fantasies. Thanks to you all for feeding my dark side.
3 years

Share your dark fantasies

I'm a sissy baby, and I love that my body is becoming both more feminine and more babylike as I grow.

I buy adult baby diapers on eBay...I'll put them on, suck in as hard as i can, and then secure them as tight as possible with packing tape. then i exhale and my belly overflows them. Then I put on a tiny t-shirt, usually with something like tinkerbell on it, and i've achieved the look I want more than anything: a giant baby growing out of my clothes.

Wow, you are literaly me :3
3 years