
Born to be fat

yes you should ignore others. do what makes you feel happy. if you do stuff to make others happy just because they think its wrong to give into yourself sometimes, then you'll alweays be miserable
16 years

Born to be fat

I understand how u feel. I get highly aroused when I see big women and bigger women and to know some out there wanna be bigger always turned me on since I was a lil kid. I feel u should only do what's right to u. There is a lot of ppl that excepts it. I would love to be a wit a women that wants be bigger cus its the best feelin in the world. I love personality and smarts but to be on that level is just a major plus. All power to u and ill be here if u need any encouragement smiley
13 years

Born to be fat

I would tell you to take it slow. I felt the same as you when I was young. When I hit college, I notice I gained about 30lbs in 2 semesters. I did get comments from family and friends about how much I was gaining. It did bother me after hearing about how fat I was getting, so I stopped gaining. I didn't lose the weight but maintained my weight. On me, my gain was in the belly. I promised my parents that I would diet, knowing that I would just gain more weight later. During my 2nd year, I only lost 15lbs and was noticeable to others. Staying in touch with them helped during the 2nd year.

But in my 3rd year in college,I gained the weight back plus 15 more lbs. When I graduated from college, I had put on another 30 + lbs. I was weighing in at 230lbs at this point in my life. I was unsure about gaining so much weight when I weighed 175lbs but gaining slowly and staying in touch with everyone, it wasn't a big deal to them. Besides, my dad is 250+ lbs and mom is 300+. They were concerned about my health but I just told them I must have that fat gene.

I am to sure if I was a hit at my high school reunion but I know I wasn't the only fat person there. I enjoy being fat and I have alway felt like a fat person in a thin mans body when I was a teen. Dreams do come true.
13 years